A inconstitucionalidade do parágrafo único do art. 40 da lei de propriedade industrial e suas implicações na prestação do direito à saúde
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Rector, Carolina Saraiva
Ariente, Eduardo Altomare
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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso desenvolve a temática da propriedade industrial,
analisando o panorama brasileiro do acesso à saúde, sistema de patentes e desenvolvimento de
patentes farmacêuticas, com o fim de verificar a revogação do parágrafo único do artigo 40 da
Lei de Propriedade Industrial pela ADI nº 5529 no ano de 2021, o qual assegurava ao
depositante do pedido de patente um prazo de garantia mínimo de vigência após sua concessão,
caso o retardo de sua análise dependesse do INPI. A discussão gira em torno da atuação do
dispositivo em prol da garantir direitos fundamentais, com recorte ao direito à saúde, segurança
jurídica e livre concorrência, a fim de verificar se a declaração de sua inconstitucionalidade
junto com a proteção conferida atua de forma efetiva a promover pesquisa e desenvolvimento,
especialmente no tocante à inovação de patentes farmacêuticas, bem como em que maneira sua
regulamentação impacta o direito fundamental à saúde. Compreende-se que a revogação do
dispositivo tem o condão de coibir certo monopólio comercial sobre os ativos farmacêuticos e
incentivar a entrada de genéricos, mas é necessário refletir sobre a suspensão destes direitos
juntamente com incentivos em políticas públicas e poder de compra do Estado, a fim de permitir
o desenvolvimento de fármacos a nível nacional.
This work will address industrial property, analyzing the Brazilian access to health, patent system and development of pharmaceutical patents to verify the repeal of the single paragraph of article 40 of the Industrial Property Law by the ADI no. 5529 in 2021, which assured the applicant of the patent application a minimum guarantee period of validity after its granting, in case the delay in its analysis relied on Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office. It is discussed whether the provision acted to guarantee fundamental rights to health, legal security, and free competition, to verify whether the declaration of unconstitutionality of the provision together with the protection granted acts effectively to promote research and development, especially regarding innovation of pharmaceutical patents, as well as how their regulation impacts the fundamental right to health. This work is concluded by demonstrating that repeal of the single paragraph of article 40 has the power to curb a certain commercial monopoly on pharmaceutical assets and encourage the entry of generic competitors, but it is necessary to reflect on the suspension of these rights together with incentives in public policies and the purchasing power of the State, to allow the development of medicines at national level.
This work will address industrial property, analyzing the Brazilian access to health, patent system and development of pharmaceutical patents to verify the repeal of the single paragraph of article 40 of the Industrial Property Law by the ADI no. 5529 in 2021, which assured the applicant of the patent application a minimum guarantee period of validity after its granting, in case the delay in its analysis relied on Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office. It is discussed whether the provision acted to guarantee fundamental rights to health, legal security, and free competition, to verify whether the declaration of unconstitutionality of the provision together with the protection granted acts effectively to promote research and development, especially regarding innovation of pharmaceutical patents, as well as how their regulation impacts the fundamental right to health. This work is concluded by demonstrating that repeal of the single paragraph of article 40 has the power to curb a certain commercial monopoly on pharmaceutical assets and encourage the entry of generic competitors, but it is necessary to reflect on the suspension of these rights together with incentives in public policies and the purchasing power of the State, to allow the development of medicines at national level.
extensão de patentes , acesso à saúde , parágrafo único art. 40 , lei nº 9.279/96 , patent extension , health access , single paragraph of article 40 , law no. 9.279/96