A eficácia da emenda constitucional 103/2019 na redução do déficit previdenciário brasileiro : uma análise legislativa da longevidade da previdência social
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Trigo, Victor de Azevedo
Pierdoná, Zélia Luiza
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Membros da banca
O presente artigo objetiva analisar os impactos gerados pela EmendaConstitucional 103/2019 na redução do déficit previdenciário nacional. O déficitprevidenciário nacional é um problema que se agrava desde a década de 1990. oBrasil enfrenta um processo de envelhecimento da população e de aumento daexpectativa de vida. Essa conjuntura, em combinação com o crescente número debeneficiários e a redução das contribuições previdenciárias em decorrência dodesemprego e da taxa de informalidade no mercado de trabalho resultou, em 2017,no déficit previdenciário alcançar a marca histórica de R$ 268 bilhões. A tendênciade aumento do valor prosseguiu até 2019, quando foi registrado o valor de R$ 318,4bilhões a título do déficit previdenciário. Nesse mesmo ano de 2019, o GovernoFederal propôs a Emenda Constitucional 103/2019, que objetiva a redução dessesvalores ao longo do tempo. O escopo da análise do presente artigo compreende acomposição dos saldos históricos do déficit previdenciário do Regime Geral dePrevidência Social e a relação entre as medidas trazidas pela referida EmendaConstitucional e as causas de aumento do déficit previdenciário.
This article aims to analyze the impacts generated by ConstitutionalAmendment 103/2019 on the reduction of the national social security deficit. Thenational social security deficit has been a problem that has worsened since the1990s. Brazil is facing a process of population aging and an increase in lifeexpectancy. This situation, combined with the growing number of beneficiaries andthe reduction of social security contributions due to unemployment and informality inthe labor market, resulted in 2017 in the social security deficit reaching the historicmark of R$ 268 billion. The trend of increasing value continued until 2019, when thesocial security deficit reached the value of R$ 318.4 billion. In that same year of2019, the Federal Government proposed Constitutional Amendment 103/2019, whichaims to reduce these values over time. The scope of the analysis of this articleincludes the composition of the historical balances of the social security deficit of theGeneral Social Security Regime and the relationship between the measures broughtby the aforementioned Constitutional Amendment and the causes of the increase inthe social security deficit.
This article aims to analyze the impacts generated by ConstitutionalAmendment 103/2019 on the reduction of the national social security deficit. Thenational social security deficit has been a problem that has worsened since the1990s. Brazil is facing a process of population aging and an increase in lifeexpectancy. This situation, combined with the growing number of beneficiaries andthe reduction of social security contributions due to unemployment and informality inthe labor market, resulted in 2017 in the social security deficit reaching the historicmark of R$ 268 billion. The trend of increasing value continued until 2019, when thesocial security deficit reached the value of R$ 318.4 billion. In that same year of2019, the Federal Government proposed Constitutional Amendment 103/2019, whichaims to reduce these values over time. The scope of the analysis of this articleincludes the composition of the historical balances of the social security deficit of theGeneral Social Security Regime and the relationship between the measures broughtby the aforementioned Constitutional Amendment and the causes of the increase inthe social security deficit.
previdência social , deficit previdenciário , emenda constitucional 103/2019 , social security , pension deficit , constitutional amendment 103/2019