Eficácia e aplicabilidade clínica dos protocolos de exercícios respiratórios na reabilitação pulmonar de pacientes com doença pulmonar obstutiva crônica (DPOC): revisão narrativa
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Moraes, Sabrina Baron de
Rodrigues, Étria
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A doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) e o resultado da obstrução das vias aéreas, tendo uma progressão para uma resposta inflamatória sistêmica adversa ao longo do tempo, desencadeado a uma inlamação crônica com alterações pulmonares significativas. Assim esta revisão narrativa tem o objetivo de analisar a eficácia e aplicabilidade clínica dos protocolos deexercícios respiratórios na reabilitação pulmonar de pacientes com DPOC. As pesquisas foram realizadas nas bases de dados PubMed, PEdro, Scielo, Google Scholar e Lilacs. Utilizando termos de indexação como Treinamento Muscular Inspiratório/Inspiratory Muscle Training; DPOC/COPD; exercícios respiratórios/breathing exercises; reabilitação pulmonar/pulmonary rehabilitation e fisioterapia respiratória/respiratory physiotherapy, no período de janeiro de 2014 a junho de 2024. Sendo encontrado 194 artigos que foram submetidos a análise pelos critérios de exclusão e resultou em 9 estudos para leitura e síntese. Assim os resultados significativos das intervenções relatadas foram que o TMI isolado ou associado a reabilitação pulmonar surge um efeito na força muscular inspiratória, função pulmonar e um efeito ligeiramente positivo da melhora da dispneia e Qualidade de Vida. Todavia o TMI combinado com outras intervenções oferece benefícios adicionais, porém a falta de uniformidade nos protocolos dificulta a definição de protocolos claros e eficazes.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) results from airway obstruction, progressing to an adverse systemic inflammatory response over time, triggering chronic inflammation with significant lung changes. Therefore, this narrative review aims to analyze the effectiveness and clinical applicability of breathing exercise protocols in the pulmonary rehabilitation of patients with COPD. The searches were carried out in the PubMed, PEdro, Scielo, Google Scholar and Lilacs databases. Using indexing terms such as Inspiratory Muscle Training; COPD/COPD; breathing exercises/breathing exercises; pulmonary rehabilitation and respiratory physiotherapy, from January 2014 to June 2024. 194 articles were found that were subjected to analysis according to the exclusion criteria and resulted in 9 studies for reading and synthesis. Thus, the significant results of the reported interventions were that IMT alone or associated with pulmonary rehabilitation influences inspiratory muscle strength, lung function and a slightly positive effect on improving dyspnea and Quality of Life. However, IMT combined with other interventions offers additional benefits, but the lack of uniformity in protocols makes it difficult to define clear and effective protocols.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) results from airway obstruction, progressing to an adverse systemic inflammatory response over time, triggering chronic inflammation with significant lung changes. Therefore, this narrative review aims to analyze the effectiveness and clinical applicability of breathing exercise protocols in the pulmonary rehabilitation of patients with COPD. The searches were carried out in the PubMed, PEdro, Scielo, Google Scholar and Lilacs databases. Using indexing terms such as Inspiratory Muscle Training; COPD/COPD; breathing exercises/breathing exercises; pulmonary rehabilitation and respiratory physiotherapy, from January 2014 to June 2024. 194 articles were found that were subjected to analysis according to the exclusion criteria and resulted in 9 studies for reading and synthesis. Thus, the significant results of the reported interventions were that IMT alone or associated with pulmonary rehabilitation influences inspiratory muscle strength, lung function and a slightly positive effect on improving dyspnea and Quality of Life. However, IMT combined with other interventions offers additional benefits, but the lack of uniformity in protocols makes it difficult to define clear and effective protocols.
DPOC , treinamento muscular inspiratório , força muscular , função pulmonar , dispneia e qualidade de vida , COPD , inspiratory muscle training , muscle strength , lung function , dyspnea and quality of life