Parque estação Guanabara: reconectar, regenerar e cultivar
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Yamamoto, Vanessa Yumi
Sant'Anna, Silvio Stefanin
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O presente trabalho consiste na pesquisa sobre os impactos da desativação e abandono das linhas férreas paulistas para a fragmentação territorial urbana, resultando em uma série de transtornos que afetam desde a mobilidade urbana até a segurança e a qualidade de vida da população.
Desse modo, o projeto localizado no bairro Jardim Guanabara, em Campinas, São Paulo, visa criar um parque urbano para reconectar o tecido urbano fragmentado pelas linhas férreas; ressignificar os edifícios históricos dando-lhes novos usos e ampliar os saberes da educação patrimonial e ambiental da região.
Sendo assim, uma alternativa para a transformação de áreas ociosas férreas em mais espaços verdes públicos como estratégia de retomar a vitalidade urbana, a reconexão territorial e fortalecimento da valorização da cultura, meio ambiente e memória local.
The present work consists of research on the impacts of the deactivation and abandonment of the São Paulo railway lines for urban territorial fragmentation, resulting in a series of disorders that affect from urban mobility to the safety and quality of life of the population. Thus, the project located in the neighbourhood Jardim Guanabara, in Campinas, São Paulo, aims to create an urban park to reconnect the urban fabric fragmented by the railway; re-signify the historic buildings giving new uses and expand the knowledge of heritage and environmental education in the region. Therefore, an alternative for the transformation of iron idle areas into more public green spaces as a strategy to resume urban vitality, territorial reconnection and strengthening the appreciation of culture, environment and local memory.
The present work consists of research on the impacts of the deactivation and abandonment of the São Paulo railway lines for urban territorial fragmentation, resulting in a series of disorders that affect from urban mobility to the safety and quality of life of the population. Thus, the project located in the neighbourhood Jardim Guanabara, in Campinas, São Paulo, aims to create an urban park to reconnect the urban fabric fragmented by the railway; re-signify the historic buildings giving new uses and expand the knowledge of heritage and environmental education in the region. Therefore, an alternative for the transformation of iron idle areas into more public green spaces as a strategy to resume urban vitality, territorial reconnection and strengthening the appreciation of culture, environment and local memory.
reutilização de áreas ferroviárias , desenvolvimento sustentável , mobilidade urbana , conservação ambiental , planejamento urbano , rail yard redevelopment , eco-friendly , development urban , transportation eco-onservation , urban design