Responsabilização civil por erro médico e seus obstáculos jurídicos no direito brasileiro
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Prieto, Gustavo Albero
Cavalcanti, Ana Elizabeth Lapa Wanderley
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A presente pesquisa propõe-se a realizar uma análise e definição de alguns
obstáculos que emergem nos julgamentos relativos a casos de erro médico, particularmente no
contexto da responsabilidade civil. Além disso, busca investigar as razões subjacentes à
presença desses obstáculos, incluindo desafios como a complexidade na obtenção de provas, a
subjetividade e imprevisibilidade no ramo da saúde, bem como a considerável dependência de
perícia técnica nos processos judiciais. Para a consecução deste estudo, serão examinados e
empregados como fontes de referência: decisões judiciais, notícias, artigos científicos, estudos
doutrinários e jurídicos que abordam tanto o erro médico, medicina e outros temas
The present research aims to conduct an analysis and definition of certain obstacles that arise in judgments related to medical malpractice cases, particularly within the context of civil liability. Furthermore, it seeks to investigate the underlying reasons for the presence of these obstacles, encompassing challenges such as the complexity in obtaining evidence, subjectivity and unpredictability in the healthcare field, as well as the significant reliance on technical expertise in judicial proceedings. To accomplish this study, judicial decisions, news articles, scientific papers, doctrinal studies, and legal literature addressing both medical malpractice, medicine and other related topics will be examined and utilized as reference sources.
The present research aims to conduct an analysis and definition of certain obstacles that arise in judgments related to medical malpractice cases, particularly within the context of civil liability. Furthermore, it seeks to investigate the underlying reasons for the presence of these obstacles, encompassing challenges such as the complexity in obtaining evidence, subjectivity and unpredictability in the healthcare field, as well as the significant reliance on technical expertise in judicial proceedings. To accomplish this study, judicial decisions, news articles, scientific papers, doctrinal studies, and legal literature addressing both medical malpractice, medicine and other related topics will be examined and utilized as reference sources.
erro médico , responsabilidade civil , subjetividade , provas , medical malpractice , civil liability , subjectivity , evidence