Parentescos socioafetivos: quais são os desafios e perspectivas legais para o reconhecimento e proteção dos vínculos parentais não biológicos em famílias contemporâneas?
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Sanches, Joaquim Pedro Barbosa
Theophilo Junior, Roque
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Este trabalho de conclusão de curso aborda os aspectos legais e sociais das relações parentais
socioafetivas, com foco específico em sua aplicação em casos de adoção e famílias não tradicionais. O
objetivo principal é examinar as complexidades dessas relações, assim como a necessidade de sua
positivação para garantir direitos e proteções adequadas.
A pesquisa foi motivada pela pergunta "Paternidade Socioafetiva: Quais são os desafios e
perspectivas legais para o reconhecimento e proteção dos vínculos parentais não biológicos em famílias
contemporâneas?". Essa questão é particularmente relevante dada a evolução das estruturas familiares
na sociedade contemporânea, que incluem uma diversidade crescente de arranjos familiares além da
tradicional família nuclear.
O estudo aborda o conceito de parentesco socioafetivo, suas implicações legais e sociais, bem
como os desafios enfrentados por essas famílias no contexto jurídico atual. Além disso, busca destacar a
importância do reconhecimento destes vínculos para assegurar direitos fundamentais à identidade,
convivência familiar e afetiva.
Finalmente, enfatiza-se a necessidade da positivação do parentesco socioafetivo no
ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Esse processo implicaria na criação ou modificação de leis existentes
para garantir expressamente os direitos dessas famílias.
É importante ressaltar que este estudo não apenas contribui para o campo acadêmico do
Direito de Família, mas também possui implicações práticas significativas para profissionais da área,
bem como para famílias que vivenciam essas situações no cotidiano.
This thesis addresses the legal and social aspects of socio-affective parental relationships, with a specific focus on their application in adoption cases and non-traditional families. The main objective is to examine the complexities of these relationships, as well as the need for their formalization to ensure adequate rights and protections. The research was motivated by the question "Socio-Affective Parenthood: What are the legal challenges and perspectives for the recognition and protection of non-biological parental bonds in contemporary families?" This issue is particularly relevant given the evolution of family structures in contemporary society, which include an increasing diversity of family arrangements beyond the traditional nuclear family. The study explores the concept of socio-affective kinship, its legal and social implications, as well as the challenges faced by these families in the current legal context. Additionally, it seeks to highlight the importance of recognizing these bonds to ensure fundamental rights to identity, family, and emotional relationships. Finally, it emphasizes the need for the formalization of socio-affective kinship in Brazilian law. This process would involve the creation or modification of existing laws to expressly guarantee the rights of these families. It is important to note that this study not only contributes to the academic field of Family Law but also has significant practical implications for professionals in the field, as well as for families experiencing these situations in everyday life.
This thesis addresses the legal and social aspects of socio-affective parental relationships, with a specific focus on their application in adoption cases and non-traditional families. The main objective is to examine the complexities of these relationships, as well as the need for their formalization to ensure adequate rights and protections. The research was motivated by the question "Socio-Affective Parenthood: What are the legal challenges and perspectives for the recognition and protection of non-biological parental bonds in contemporary families?" This issue is particularly relevant given the evolution of family structures in contemporary society, which include an increasing diversity of family arrangements beyond the traditional nuclear family. The study explores the concept of socio-affective kinship, its legal and social implications, as well as the challenges faced by these families in the current legal context. Additionally, it seeks to highlight the importance of recognizing these bonds to ensure fundamental rights to identity, family, and emotional relationships. Finally, it emphasizes the need for the formalization of socio-affective kinship in Brazilian law. This process would involve the creation or modification of existing laws to expressly guarantee the rights of these families. It is important to note that this study not only contributes to the academic field of Family Law but also has significant practical implications for professionals in the field, as well as for families experiencing these situations in everyday life.
parentescos socioafetivos , desafios legais , perspectivas legais , reconhecimento jurídico , socio-affective kinships , legal challenges , legal perspectives , legal recognition