Responsabilização dos influenciadores digitais em propagandas nas redes sociais: uma análise do caso da blaze sob a ótica do código do consumidor
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Kim, Iago Byunguc
Giancoli, Brunno Pandori
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O presente artigo visa tratar sobre a responsabilização da figura do influenciador
digital, ou “influencer digital”, figura popularizada pela ascensão das redes sociais.
Importantes marcas buscam a intermediação destes influenciadores digitais para
ampliar seu canal de consumo, desta forma, aumentando sua margem de lucro.
Entretanto, essa prática levanta questões sobre a responsabilidade dos
influenciadores na divulgação de produtos e serviços, especialmente quando se trata
de propagandas enganosas que prejudicam os seus seguidores. Analisando o caso
da Blaze, sob a ótica do direito do consumidor, buscamos entender se tais
influenciadores poderiam ser inseridos dentro da cadeia de fornecimento para
configurar a relação de consumo e se podem ser responsabilizados nas esfera cível
para ressarcir aqueles prejudicados pelas suas postagens. Adicionalmente, apresento
casos práticos resultantes da responsabilização dos influenciadores. Como resultado
desta pesquisa, a dissertação busca comprovar que há uma relação de consumo
estabelecida entre influenciador digital e seguidor, sendo imprescindível regular a
atividade destes sujeitos, tendo em vista a revolução da era digital que consigo criou
diversas questões consumeristas. Implantada uma discussão acerca da temática,
novas concepções e ideias serão propostas, contribuindo para a sociedade em geral.
The present article aims to address the accountability of the digital influencer, a figure popularized by the rise of social media. Major brands seek the mediation of these digital influencers to expand their consumer base, thereby increasing their profit margins. However, this practice raises questions about the influencers' responsibility in promoting products and services, especially when it comes to deceptive advertising that harms their followers. By analyzing the Blaze case from the perspective of consumer law, we seek to understand whether such influencers could be included in the supply chain to establish the consumer relationship and whether they can be held liable in civil court to compensate those harmed by their posts. Additionally, practical cases resulting from holding influencers accountable are presented. As a result of this research, the dissertation aims to prove that there is a consumer relationship established between digital influencer and follower, making it essential to regulate the activities of these individuals, given the digital era's revolution that has created numerous consumer issues. By initiating a discussion on the topic, new concepts and ideas will be proposed, contributing to society.
The present article aims to address the accountability of the digital influencer, a figure popularized by the rise of social media. Major brands seek the mediation of these digital influencers to expand their consumer base, thereby increasing their profit margins. However, this practice raises questions about the influencers' responsibility in promoting products and services, especially when it comes to deceptive advertising that harms their followers. By analyzing the Blaze case from the perspective of consumer law, we seek to understand whether such influencers could be included in the supply chain to establish the consumer relationship and whether they can be held liable in civil court to compensate those harmed by their posts. Additionally, practical cases resulting from holding influencers accountable are presented. As a result of this research, the dissertation aims to prove that there is a consumer relationship established between digital influencer and follower, making it essential to regulate the activities of these individuals, given the digital era's revolution that has created numerous consumer issues. By initiating a discussion on the topic, new concepts and ideas will be proposed, contributing to society.
influencers digitais , direito do consumidor , publicidade , digital influencers , consumer law , advertising