A garantia da ordem pública: reflexões acerca da ausência de uma definição concreta e oimpacto na segurança jurídica
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Moraes, Giulia Delfino
Zanella, Everton Luiz
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O presente estudo tem como principal foco refletir acerca da indeterminação do termo
“garantia da ordem pública” e o impacto na segurança jurídica. O objetivo geral é identificar
os potenciais impactos da ausência de uma definição concreta de garantia da ordem pública na
segurança jurídica. Para tanto, definiram-se os seguintes objetivos específicos: conceituar
segurança jurídica, apresentar o instituto da prisão preventiva no Brasil e, consequentemente,
o fundamento da garantia da ordem pública, discutir sobre a ausência de um conceito concreto
de garantia da ordem pública, definindo-o como um conceito jurídico indeterminado e, por
fim, discorrer sobre a relação entre a ausência de uma definição clara de garantia da ordem
pública e a insegurança jurídica. Refletir sobre a falta de uma definição clara do fundamento
da garantia da ordem pública e suas consequências na segurança jurídica justifica-se pois
apesar de seu grande protagonismo nos debates jurídicos, o termo “garantia da ordem
pública” ainda carece de uma definição precisa e melhor aplicação nas decisões, já que o
conceito é invocado sob diversas alegações, muitas vezes sem critérios sólidos de constatação,
podendo acarretar decisões arbitrárias e subjetivas, de modo a prejudicar a efetividade do
sistema jurídico, afetar diretamente a confiança da população na justiça e gerar insegurança
jurídica, atentando diretamente contra os princípios fundamentais do Estado Democrático de
Direito. O presente estudo consiste em pesquisa aplicada de caráter descritivo, com resultados
tratados de maneira qualitativa, a partir da coleta de informações advindas de legislação,
jurisprudência e fontes secundárias como livros, artigos, sites jurídicos, documentos e autores
significativos para o tema. Com o levantamento de informações ao longo da pesquisa e da
análise das informações, foi possível concluir que a aplicação da garantia ordem pública
necessariamente envolve o exercício de ampla discricionariedade por parte das autoridades
judiciárias. Isso significa que as decisões sobre o que constitui uma ameaça à ordem pública e
quais medidas devem ser tomadas para preservá-la podem variar de acordo com as
circunstâncias específicas e as interpretações individuais de cada uma das autoridades
judiciárias, que levam em consideração o contexto cultural, histórico, visão política, valores
sociais, morais e éticos, sendo inviável dissociar a percepção singular de cada intérprete de
cada interpretação realizada, o que promove insegurança jurídica.
The main focus of this study is to reflect on the indeterminacy of the term “guarantee of public order” and its impact on legal certainty. The general objective is to identify the potential impacts of the absence of a concrete definition of the guarantee of public order on legal certainty. To this end, the following specific objectives have been defined: to conceptualize legal security, to present the institute of preventive detention in Brazil and, consequently, the foundation of the guarantee of public order, to discuss the absence of a concrete concept of guarantee of public order, defining it as an indeterminate legal concept and, finally, to discuss the relationship between the absence of a clear definition of guarantee of public order and legal insecurity. Reflecting on the lack of a clear definition of the foundation for the guarantee of public order and its consequences for legal certainty is justified because, despite its prominence in legal debates, the term “guarantee of public order” still lacks a precise definition and better application in decisions, since the concept is invoked under various allegations, this can lead to arbitrary and subjective decisions, in such a way as to undermine the effectiveness of the legal system, directly affect the public's trust in justice and generate legal insecurity, directly undermining the fundamental principles of the Democratic Rule of Law. This study consists of applied research of a descriptive character, with results treated in a qualitative manner, based on the collection of information from legislation, case law and secondary sources such as books, articles, legal websites, documents and authors significant to the subject. By gathering information throughout the research and analyzing the information, it was possible to conclude that the application of the public order guarantee necessarily involves the exercise of broad discretion on the part of the judicial authorities. This means that decisions about what constitutes a threat to public order and what measures should be taken to preserve it can vary according to specific circumstances and the individual interpretations of each judicial authority, which take into account the cultural, historical context, political vision, social, moral and ethical values, making it impossible to dissociate the singular perception of each interpreter from each interpretation made, which promotes legal uncertainty.
The main focus of this study is to reflect on the indeterminacy of the term “guarantee of public order” and its impact on legal certainty. The general objective is to identify the potential impacts of the absence of a concrete definition of the guarantee of public order on legal certainty. To this end, the following specific objectives have been defined: to conceptualize legal security, to present the institute of preventive detention in Brazil and, consequently, the foundation of the guarantee of public order, to discuss the absence of a concrete concept of guarantee of public order, defining it as an indeterminate legal concept and, finally, to discuss the relationship between the absence of a clear definition of guarantee of public order and legal insecurity. Reflecting on the lack of a clear definition of the foundation for the guarantee of public order and its consequences for legal certainty is justified because, despite its prominence in legal debates, the term “guarantee of public order” still lacks a precise definition and better application in decisions, since the concept is invoked under various allegations, this can lead to arbitrary and subjective decisions, in such a way as to undermine the effectiveness of the legal system, directly affect the public's trust in justice and generate legal insecurity, directly undermining the fundamental principles of the Democratic Rule of Law. This study consists of applied research of a descriptive character, with results treated in a qualitative manner, based on the collection of information from legislation, case law and secondary sources such as books, articles, legal websites, documents and authors significant to the subject. By gathering information throughout the research and analyzing the information, it was possible to conclude that the application of the public order guarantee necessarily involves the exercise of broad discretion on the part of the judicial authorities. This means that decisions about what constitutes a threat to public order and what measures should be taken to preserve it can vary according to specific circumstances and the individual interpretations of each judicial authority, which take into account the cultural, historical context, political vision, social, moral and ethical values, making it impossible to dissociate the singular perception of each interpreter from each interpretation made, which promotes legal uncertainty.
prisão preventiva , garantia da ordem pública , conceitos jurídicos indeterminados , segurança jurídica , preventive detention , guarantee of public order , undefined legal concepts , legal security