Morte digna à luz da legislação brasileira: uma análise sobre eutanásia, distanásia e ortotanásia
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Alves, Gabriela Barreto
Rocha, Renata da
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo discorrer sobre como as formas de
terminalidade de vida, que surgiram com o avanço da medicina, são regulamentadas
pelo direito brasileiro através de análise da legislação e jurisprudência pátria, bem
como explorar o embate entre direitos fundamentais criado com esses avanços. Por
fim, comparar a abordagem de outros países com o tema, em relação ao Brasil,
trazendo possíveis soluções para os conflitos observados.
The aim of this article is to discuss how the forms of termination of life, that have emerged as a result of advances in medicine, are regulated by Brazilian law through an analysis of legislation and case law, as well as to explore the clash between fundamental rights created by this progress. Finally, to compare the approach of other countries to the subject, in contrast to Brazil, bringing possible solutions to the conflicts observed.
The aim of this article is to discuss how the forms of termination of life, that have emerged as a result of advances in medicine, are regulated by Brazilian law through an analysis of legislation and case law, as well as to explore the clash between fundamental rights created by this progress. Finally, to compare the approach of other countries to the subject, in contrast to Brazil, bringing possible solutions to the conflicts observed.
morte digna , terminalidade da vida , eutanásia , distanásia , dignified death , termination of life , euthanasia , dysthanasia