A reprodução de imagem de pessoas por meio da inteligência artificial e os direitos da personalidade
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Moreira, Gabriela Grotteria
Bortolai Junior, Orlando
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O objetivo do presente artigo científico é compreender se o uso de inteligência
artificial e deepfake para reproduzir a imagem de alguém, ainda que não seja com o intuito de
prejudicar, viola os direitos da personalidade e gera responsabilidade civil, bem como os
institutos jurídicos aplicáveis. Para tanto, será analisado de que forma os direitos da
personalidade estão assegurados no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, inclusive post mortem, e
como o uso irregular da tecnologia pode impactá-los. Nesse estudo, foram analisados casos
emblemáticos, com repercussão significativa, que promoveram o debate acerca das
consequências do uso da inteligência artificial para reproduzir a imagem das pessoas retratadas.
The objective of this scientific article is to understand whether the use of artificial intelligence and deepfake to reproduce someone’s image, even without the intent to harm, violates personality rights and generate civil liability, as well as the applicable legal institutions. To this end, it will be analyzed how personality rights are ensured in the Brazilian legal system, including posthumously. In this study, emblematic cases with significant repercussions that have promoted the debate on the consequences of using artificial intelligence to reproduce the image of the people portrayed were analyzed.
The objective of this scientific article is to understand whether the use of artificial intelligence and deepfake to reproduce someone’s image, even without the intent to harm, violates personality rights and generate civil liability, as well as the applicable legal institutions. To this end, it will be analyzed how personality rights are ensured in the Brazilian legal system, including posthumously. In this study, emblematic cases with significant repercussions that have promoted the debate on the consequences of using artificial intelligence to reproduce the image of the people portrayed were analyzed.
inteligência artificial. , deepfake , direitos da personalidade , responsabilidade civil , artificial intelligence , deepfake , personality rights , civil liability