Crimes no mercado financeiro com enfoque em fundos de investimento
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Cerqueira, Fernanda Lobo de
Florêncio Filho, Marco Aurélio Pinto
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Membros da banca
Este artigo propõe uma análise do contexto histórico dos órgãos reguladores do
mercado financeiro no Brasil, enfatizando as leis que fundamentam esse mercado, com especial
atenção aos Fundos de investimento. Além disso, investiga os crimes associados a esses fundos,
destacando a Operação Greenfield. Também examina a postura da Comissão de Valores
Mobiliários diante das atualizações normativas relacionadas aos fundos de investimento e seu
comportamento diante dessas transgressões.
This article proposes an analysis of the historical context of the regulatory bodies of the financial market in Brazil, emphasizing the laws that underpin this market, with special attention to investment funds. Additionally, it investigates the crimes associated with these funds, highlighting the Operation Greenfield. It also examines the posture of the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding regulatory updates related to investment funds and its response to these transgressions.
This article proposes an analysis of the historical context of the regulatory bodies of the financial market in Brazil, emphasizing the laws that underpin this market, with special attention to investment funds. Additionally, it investigates the crimes associated with these funds, highlighting the Operation Greenfield. It also examines the posture of the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding regulatory updates related to investment funds and its response to these transgressions.
comissão de valores mobiliários , Banco Central , conselho monetário nacional , fundos de investimento , National Monetary Council , securities and exchange commission , Central Bank , Investment Funds