Compliance como fundamento da governança corporativa
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Bocci, Eliza
Saavedra, Giovani Agostini
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Membros da banca
O objetivo do presente trabalho é a reflexão a respeito do compliance como
fundamento da governança corporativa nas organizações, destacando os benefícios que
programas de compliance efetivos podem proporcionar à atividade empresarial e o valor agregado
que representam para as empresas. Para tanto, demonstramos que o compliance não deve ser
encarado apenas como um custo, mas sim como um diferencial competitivo significativo no atual
contexto de mercado. Por meio de uma análise aprofundada, evidenciamos a correlação entre as
práticas de governança corporativa e a função do compliance, destacando a sua contribuição para
a mitigação de riscos e a promoção de padrões éticos e transparentes na gestão dos negócios.
Através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica abrangente, exploramos os conceitos básicos de
compliance e sua evolução histórica, com ênfase nas principais legislações internacionais e na Lei
Anticorrupção no contexto nacional. Este estudo contribui para uma melhor compreensão da
interseção entre governança corporativa e compliance, enfatizando sua importância para a
sustentabilidade e sucesso das empresas.
The objective of this paper is to reflect on compliance as a foundation of corporate governance in organizations, highlighting the benefits that effective compliance programs can bring to business activities and the added value they represent for companies. Therefore, we demonstrate that compliance should not be seen merely as a cost, but rather as a significant competitive advantage in today's market context. Through an in-depth analysis, we illustrate the correlation between corporate governance practices and the role of compliance, emphasizing its contribution to risk mitigation and the promotion of ethical and transparent standards in business management. Through comprehensive bibliographic research, we explore the basic concepts of compliance and its historical evolution, with emphasis on key international legislations and the Anti-Corruption Law in the national context. This study contributes to a better understanding of the intersection between corporate governance and compliance, emphasizing their importance for the sustainability and success of companies.
The objective of this paper is to reflect on compliance as a foundation of corporate governance in organizations, highlighting the benefits that effective compliance programs can bring to business activities and the added value they represent for companies. Therefore, we demonstrate that compliance should not be seen merely as a cost, but rather as a significant competitive advantage in today's market context. Through an in-depth analysis, we illustrate the correlation between corporate governance practices and the role of compliance, emphasizing its contribution to risk mitigation and the promotion of ethical and transparent standards in business management. Through comprehensive bibliographic research, we explore the basic concepts of compliance and its historical evolution, with emphasis on key international legislations and the Anti-Corruption Law in the national context. This study contributes to a better understanding of the intersection between corporate governance and compliance, emphasizing their importance for the sustainability and success of companies.
compliance , programa de compliance , governança corporativa , anticorrupção , compliance program , corporate governance , anti-corruption , risk management