Efeitos da capacidade de absorção na capacidade para inovação
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Caminhola, Caio Rodrigues
Backa, Lucas Leme
Cavallini, Lucas Cordeiro
Backa, Lucas Leme
Cavallini, Lucas Cordeiro
Popadiuk, Silvio
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Neste artigo buscou-se avaliar os efeitos da capacidade de absorção na capacidade para inovação, mensurando as suas intensidades no nível individual. Para a pesquisa, estudos sobre os temas já citados e suas relações foram analisados, visando o entendimento de como essa poderia gerar competitividade para as organizações, produzir novas vantagens competitivas e produtos inovadores. Para alcançar os resultados, utilizou-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa envolvendo 115 respondentes de uma empresa de transporte urbano na cidade de São Paulo. Os questionários foram aplicados de forma online. Os resultados confirmaram a hipótese estatística deste estudo, ou seja, a capacidade de absorção provoca efeitos na capacidade para inovação e a explica 47%, quando analisada sob a perspectiva individual.
This article aimed to evaluate the effects of absorptive capacity on innovation capacity, measuring its intensities at the individual level. For the research, studies on the themes already mentioned and their relationships were analyzed to understand how this could generate competitiveness for organizations and produce new competitive advantages and innovative products. Quantitative research involving 115 respondents from an urban transport company in São Paulo was used to achieve the results. The questionnaires were applied online. The results confirmed the statistical hypothesis of this study, that is, the absorptive capacity causes effects on the capacity for innovation and explains it 470% when analyzed from the individual perspective.
This article aimed to evaluate the effects of absorptive capacity on innovation capacity, measuring its intensities at the individual level. For the research, studies on the themes already mentioned and their relationships were analyzed to understand how this could generate competitiveness for organizations and produce new competitive advantages and innovative products. Quantitative research involving 115 respondents from an urban transport company in São Paulo was used to achieve the results. The questionnaires were applied online. The results confirmed the statistical hypothesis of this study, that is, the absorptive capacity causes effects on the capacity for innovation and explains it 470% when analyzed from the individual perspective.
capacidade de absorção , capacidade de inovação , competitividade