O abuso sexual e a soberania de Deus no âmbito do aconselhamento bíblico : como responder às demandas de sobreviventes e de conselheiros
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Carnevali, Luisa Teixeira Alberti
Santos, Valdeci da Silva
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O presente trabalho monográfico tem como objetivo analisar as implicações teológicas relacionadas à soberania divina diante da realidade do abuso sexual, considerando as perspectivas dos sobreviventes e dos profissionais de aconselhamento atuantes nesta área. Este estudo visa preencher uma lacuna literária específica sobre o tema, fornecendo um recurso prático para sessões de aconselhamento, visando contribuir para a compreensão e abordagem desse tema sensível. Na introdução destacamos a importância do aconselhamento bíblico para os sobreviventes de abuso e consideramos as diferentes formas que tanto conselheiro quanto aconselhando se debruçam sobre o tema. No primeiro capítulo contemplamos as definições de abuso sexual, apresentamos os dados estatísticos dessa cruel
realidade e adentramos na cosmovisão cristã sobre o tema. No segundo capítulo adereçamos a grande pergunta que causa angústia em sobreviventes e conselheiros: “como um Deus bom e soberano pode permitir tamanho mal?”. No terceiro capítulo apresentamos a coleta de dados das entrevistas realizadas com sobreviventes e mapeamos as três maiores demandas apresentadas, a saber: medo, sentimento de injustiça e necessidade de autonomia. No quarto capítulo apresentamos respostas bíblico teológicas para cada demanda apresentada anteriormente. No quinto capítulo adentramos à teologia aplicada, fornecemos aparato
teológico para o conselheiro no que diz respeito às suas angústias particulares sobre o tema, para que possa ser eficaz na legitimidade da sua vocação; abordamos a ênfase teológica para a resposta que o aconselhado procura, reconhecendo em Cristo a identificação de um homem de dores, tal qual o sobrevivente e concluímos com dicas práticas para sessões de aconselhamento bíblico.
The present monographic work aims to analyze the theological implications related to divine sovereignty in the face of the reality of sexual abuse, considering the perspectives of survivors and counseling professionals working in this area. This study seeks to fill a specific literary gap on the topic, providing a practical resource for counseling sessions, aiming to contribute to the understanding and approach of this sensitive issue. In the introduction, we highlight the importance of biblical counseling for abuse survivors and consider the different ways in which both counselor and counselee engage with the topic. In the first chapter, we contemplate the definitions of sexual abuse, present statistical data on this cruel reality, and delve into the Christian worldview on the topic. In the second chapter, we address the overarching question that causes distress in survivors and counselors: "how can a good and sovereign God allow such evil?" In the third chapter, we present the data collected from interviews with survivors and map out the three main demands presented, namely: fear, feelings of injustice, and the need for autonomy. In the fourth chapter, we present biblicaltheological responses to each demand presented earlier. In the fifth chapter, we delve into applied theology, providing theological framework for the counselor regarding their particular anxieties on the topic, so they can be effective in the legitimacy of their vocation; we address the theological emphasis for the response that the counselee seeks, recognizing in Christ the identification of a man of sorrows, much like the survivor, and conclude with practical tips for biblical counseling sessions.
The present monographic work aims to analyze the theological implications related to divine sovereignty in the face of the reality of sexual abuse, considering the perspectives of survivors and counseling professionals working in this area. This study seeks to fill a specific literary gap on the topic, providing a practical resource for counseling sessions, aiming to contribute to the understanding and approach of this sensitive issue. In the introduction, we highlight the importance of biblical counseling for abuse survivors and consider the different ways in which both counselor and counselee engage with the topic. In the first chapter, we contemplate the definitions of sexual abuse, present statistical data on this cruel reality, and delve into the Christian worldview on the topic. In the second chapter, we address the overarching question that causes distress in survivors and counselors: "how can a good and sovereign God allow such evil?" In the third chapter, we present the data collected from interviews with survivors and map out the three main demands presented, namely: fear, feelings of injustice, and the need for autonomy. In the fourth chapter, we present biblicaltheological responses to each demand presented earlier. In the fifth chapter, we delve into applied theology, providing theological framework for the counselor regarding their particular anxieties on the topic, so they can be effective in the legitimacy of their vocation; we address the theological emphasis for the response that the counselee seeks, recognizing in Christ the identification of a man of sorrows, much like the survivor, and conclude with practical tips for biblical counseling sessions.
aconselhamento bíblico , abuso sexual , violência sexual , sofrimento , medo , autonomia , controle , injustiça , justiça retributiva , atributos de Deus , bondade , soberania , Deus sofredor , cosmovisão bíblica , conselheiro bíblico , aconselhado , biblical counseling , sexual abuse , sexual violence , suffering , fear , autonomy , control , injustice , retributive justice , attributes of God , goodness , sovereignty , suffering God , biblical worldview , biblical counselor , counselee