Economia criativa e mercado de consumo : repercurssão às práticas abusivas e enganosas nas relações de consumo
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Ferreira, Mateus Henrique Demetrio
Delbono, Benedita de Fátima
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O objetivo do presente trabalho é estudar e conhecer o tema da Economia Criativa, verificando
sua estrutura e como se insere no mercado de consumo, bem como verificar seus impactos neste
mercado e na sociedade consumidora à luz de práticas e publicidades abusivas e enganosas,
patentes do mercado de consumo e reguladas pelo direito das relações de consumo, analisando
ainda a atuação do órgão CONAR neste âmbito. Desta forma, a presente pesquisa busca analisar
as normas do direito do consumidor brasileiro quanto às práticas e publicidades abusivas e
enganosas, sua regulamentação e fiscalização, diante das incertezas proporcionadas pelos
efeitos da Economia Criativa sobre este ramo do Direito. As práticas e publicidades abusivas e
enganosas são regulamentadas pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor (Lei nº 8.078/90), sendo
integralmente vedadas e entendidas como condutas de fornecedores que podem causar danos
ao consumidor, explorando sua vulnerabilidade, entrando no campo de atuação do CONAR,
órgão administrativo de regulamentação de publicidades abusivas. Todavia, tais preceitos
certamente sofrerão impactos e precisarão ser revistos frente ao rápido crescimento da
Economia Criativa no mercado de consumo, que vem gerando cada vez mais repercussões para
a economia mundial, vez que se trata de modelo de negócios inovador, que introduz uma
maneira inédita de se pensar na geração de lucro, qual seja, por meio da valorização de bens
criativos e intelectuais, proporcionando crescimento econômico conjunto ao desenvolvimento
social e cultural. Esses sujeitos vulneráveis, os consumidores, na maioria das vezes não
conseguem entender os impactos causados sobre eles pelas inovações trazidas pela Economia
Criativa, pois as suas práticas inovadoras, que devem ser pautadas pela transparência e ética,
em face desses consumidores, nem sempre assim se apresentam. Neste âmbito, a pesquisa se
desenvolveu por meio da metodologia qualitativa, quanto a abordagem do problema; básica,
quanto a sua natureza; exploratória, quanto a seus objetivos; e, bibliográfica quanto aos
procedimentos, possuindo, todavia, um aspecto de pesquisa de survey, buscando atender a um
viés prático no âmbito de atuação do CONAR. Em nota de conclusão, há a necessidade de um
processo de adequação para as inovadoras mudanças que a Economia Criativa tem
proporcionado ao mercado de consumo, e para as alterações de ordem estrutural que esta,
conforme seu constante crescimento têm demonstrado, vem causando e causará cada vez mais,
no mercado, as quais poderão sofrer impacto no direito das relações de consumo despertando a
necessidade de revisitar conceitos já solidificados na doutrina deste direito.
The objective of the present assignment is to get to know the theme of Creative Economy, verifying its structure and how it inserts itself into the consumer market, as well as verifying its impacts on this very market and on the consumer society in light of abusive and deceptive practices and advertising, blatant in the consumer market and regulated by consumer relations law, further analyzing the performance of the CONAR organ in this scope. In this way, the present research seeks to analyze the rules of brazilian consumer law concerning abusive and deceptive practices and advertising, their regulation and inspection, in the face of uncertainties provided by the effects of Creative Economy on this Branch of Law. Abusive and deceptive practices and advertising are regulated by the Consumer Defense Code (Law nº 8.078/90), being totally forbidden and understood as conducts of suppliers that can cause harm to the consumer, exploiting their vulnerability, entering CONAR's field of action, na administrative organ responsible for regulation and inspection of abusive advertisement. However, such precepts are bound to suffer impact and need to be reviesed in light of the Creative Economy's fast growth in the consumer market, which has been causing more and more repercussions for the world economy, since it is an innovative business model, which introduces an unprecedented way to think about profit generation, that is, through the valorization of creative and intellectual assets, providing economic growth along with social and cultural development. These vulnerable subjects, the consumers, most of the time can not understand the impacts caused on them by the innovations brought by the Creative Economy, because its innovative practices, which should be guided by transparency and ethics, in the face of these consumers, do not always appear that way. In this scope, the research was carried out using the qualitative methodology, as to the approach of the problem; basic, as to its nature; exploratory, as to its objectives; and bibliographic, as to its procedures, possessing, however, a survey research aspect, Looking to meet a practical bias in CONAR's scope of action. In conclusion note, there is a need for a process of adaptation to the innovative changes that the Creative Economy has brought to the consumer market, and for the structural changes that it, as its constant growth has shown, has caused and will cause more and more, to the market, which may suffer na imoact on consumer relations law, awakening the necessity to revisit concepts already solidified in the doctrine of this law.
The objective of the present assignment is to get to know the theme of Creative Economy, verifying its structure and how it inserts itself into the consumer market, as well as verifying its impacts on this very market and on the consumer society in light of abusive and deceptive practices and advertising, blatant in the consumer market and regulated by consumer relations law, further analyzing the performance of the CONAR organ in this scope. In this way, the present research seeks to analyze the rules of brazilian consumer law concerning abusive and deceptive practices and advertising, their regulation and inspection, in the face of uncertainties provided by the effects of Creative Economy on this Branch of Law. Abusive and deceptive practices and advertising are regulated by the Consumer Defense Code (Law nº 8.078/90), being totally forbidden and understood as conducts of suppliers that can cause harm to the consumer, exploiting their vulnerability, entering CONAR's field of action, na administrative organ responsible for regulation and inspection of abusive advertisement. However, such precepts are bound to suffer impact and need to be reviesed in light of the Creative Economy's fast growth in the consumer market, which has been causing more and more repercussions for the world economy, since it is an innovative business model, which introduces an unprecedented way to think about profit generation, that is, through the valorization of creative and intellectual assets, providing economic growth along with social and cultural development. These vulnerable subjects, the consumers, most of the time can not understand the impacts caused on them by the innovations brought by the Creative Economy, because its innovative practices, which should be guided by transparency and ethics, in the face of these consumers, do not always appear that way. In this scope, the research was carried out using the qualitative methodology, as to the approach of the problem; basic, as to its nature; exploratory, as to its objectives; and bibliographic, as to its procedures, possessing, however, a survey research aspect, Looking to meet a practical bias in CONAR's scope of action. In conclusion note, there is a need for a process of adaptation to the innovative changes that the Creative Economy has brought to the consumer market, and for the structural changes that it, as its constant growth has shown, has caused and will cause more and more, to the market, which may suffer na imoact on consumer relations law, awakening the necessity to revisit concepts already solidified in the doctrine of this law.
economia criativa , CONAR , direito do consumidor , práticas abusivas , publicidade enganosa , creative economy , CONAR , consumer law , abusive practices , deceptive advertising