A negativa do status de criminoso nos crimes de colarinho branco e a racialização da punição
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Silva, Giovanna Carolina da Fonte
Bazo, Andressa Loli
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Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação e uma discussão sobre a negativa do status de
criminoso nos crimes de colarinho branco segundo a ótica da racialização da punição, buscando
entender como a construção histórica do Brasil e das teorias criminológicas contribuíram para
a seletividade do sistema penal. O marco da colonização e da escravidão na formação do Brasil
enquanto Estado, assim como a influência institucional que a criminologia positivista teve sobre
a construção do aparato penal, são apresentados como os principais problemas dessa
discriminação racial e institucional da qual decorre a seletividade da punição. O fenômeno
estudado por Sutherland, e denominado como crime do colarinho branco, é o marco sobre o
qual será analisada a influência da racialização da punição, indicando que a existência de um
rol reduzido de taxatividade do estereótipo de criminoso nos crimes de colarinho branco é
induzida pela causa e efeito do racismo institucional.
This paper presents an investigation and discussion on the negative status of criminals in white collar crimes according to the perspective of the racialization of punishment, seeking to understand how the historical construction of Brazil and criminological theories contributed to the selectivity of the criminal system. The framework of colonization and slavery in the formation of Brazil as a State, as well as the institutional influence that positivist criminology had on the construction of the penal device are presented as the main problems of this racial and institutional discrimination from which the selectivity of punishment results. The phenomenon studied by Sutherland and termed as white collar crimes, is the framework on which the influence of the racialization of punishment will be analyzed, indicating that the existence of a reduced list of taxing of the stereotype of criminal in white collar crimes are induced by the cause and effect of institutional racism.
This paper presents an investigation and discussion on the negative status of criminals in white collar crimes according to the perspective of the racialization of punishment, seeking to understand how the historical construction of Brazil and criminological theories contributed to the selectivity of the criminal system. The framework of colonization and slavery in the formation of Brazil as a State, as well as the institutional influence that positivist criminology had on the construction of the penal device are presented as the main problems of this racial and institutional discrimination from which the selectivity of punishment results. The phenomenon studied by Sutherland and termed as white collar crimes, is the framework on which the influence of the racialization of punishment will be analyzed, indicating that the existence of a reduced list of taxing of the stereotype of criminal in white collar crimes are induced by the cause and effect of institutional racism.
crimes do colarinho branco , criminalização , racismo , seletividade penal , white collar crimes , criminalization , racism , criminal selectivity