A necessidade de regulamentação das redes sociais para a manutenção da democracia no Brasil
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Gonzaga, Isabella Franco
Vannucci, Rodolpho
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O desenvolvimento da Internet alterou, significativamente, a dinâmica da sociedade moderna,
uma vez que se tornou o principal meio de comunicação contemporâneo. Devido a isso, a
crescente integração dos mundos virtual e real intensificou determinadas mazelas sociais, com
destaque, especialmente, à disseminação de notícias fraudulentas. A ausência de
regulamentação e de fixação de parâmetros objetivos à conceituação de fake news levanta
preocupações acerca de seu possível impacto na democracia. Portanto, o objetivo geral do
presente estudo foi identificar se a falta de regulamentação das redes sociais tem ameaçado a
existência de governos democráticos. Como objetivo específico, propôs-se a mensurar os
possíveis limites à liberdade de expressão individual e o seu impacto no interesse coletivo sob
a ótica da disseminação das fake news, bem como delinear os principais apontamentos a
legislações globais que versam sobre esse tema. A presente pesquisa foi realizada de maneira
exploratória e, por meio dela, concluiu-se que, de fato, a ausência de um conceito bem
delimitado sobre a temática da disseminação de fake news nas redes sociais tem o potencial de
lesar, de forma expressiva, a democracia brasileira, vez que inexistem critérios que promovam
uniformidade e previsibilidade às decisões judiciais.
The development of the internet has significantly altered the dynamics of modern society, as it has become the main contemporary mode of communication. Because of that, the increasing integration of the virtual and real worlds has intensified certain social issues; in particular, the dissemination of fake news. The lack of regulation and fixed objective parameters on the conceptualization of "fake news" raise concerns regarding their possible impact on democracy. Therefore, the overarching aim of the following study is to identify whether the lack of regulation of social media has threatened the existence of democratic governments. And, as a specific goal, to propose measuring possible limits to the individual freedom of expression and its impact on the collective interest, as well as delimit the main global findings and legislations that approach the subject. The following research, carried out through an exploratory manner, confirms the aforementioned hypothesis that the lack of a well-defined notion on the subject of dissemination of fake news on social media has the potential of inflicting expressive harm to Brazilian democracy, as there are no criteria promoting consistency and predictability to judicial decisions.
The development of the internet has significantly altered the dynamics of modern society, as it has become the main contemporary mode of communication. Because of that, the increasing integration of the virtual and real worlds has intensified certain social issues; in particular, the dissemination of fake news. The lack of regulation and fixed objective parameters on the conceptualization of "fake news" raise concerns regarding their possible impact on democracy. Therefore, the overarching aim of the following study is to identify whether the lack of regulation of social media has threatened the existence of democratic governments. And, as a specific goal, to propose measuring possible limits to the individual freedom of expression and its impact on the collective interest, as well as delimit the main global findings and legislations that approach the subject. The following research, carried out through an exploratory manner, confirms the aforementioned hypothesis that the lack of a well-defined notion on the subject of dissemination of fake news on social media has the potential of inflicting expressive harm to Brazilian democracy, as there are no criteria promoting consistency and predictability to judicial decisions.
fake news , democracia , liberdade de expressão , fake news , democracy , freedom of expression