Análise de questões de matemática em vestibular: Um estudo comparativo entre as provas para a USP e para a UNESP são São Paulo 2024
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Rodrigues , Bruno Giovani Cação
Oliveira, Gabriel Henrique de
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O vestibular representa uma das principais vias de acesso ao ensino superior no Brasil e, consequentemente, assume uma importância para o futuro dos jovens no país. Diante da relevância social deste tema, junto à escassez de produções científicas na área e a dificuldade enfrentada por grande parte dos estudantes em relação à matemática, justifica-se a elaboração desta pesquisa. Dessa forma, propõe-se a análise de trabalhos acadêmicos referente ao tema e as questões de matemática presentes na primeira fase dos vestibulares das universidades de São Paulo com o maior número de inscritos nos últimos anos: USP e UNESP. Os resultados dessa pesquisa evidenciam a necessidade constante de atualização por parte dos professores da área, dada a evolução histórica do vestibular no Brasil e suas transformações ao longo do tempo. De fato, nos últimos cinco anos, observaram-se mudanças significativas, como a alteração do número total de questões de matemática em ambos os exames. Além disso, a análise proporcionou uma compreensão detalhada destes vestibulares, destacando os conteúdos mais frequentes nas provas e as características das questões, como o emprego da contextualização e seus diferentes níveis de dificuldade. Os dados encontrados podem servir como base para a preparação de aulas, conteúdos e atividades por parte dos docentes, além de contribuir para o estudo dos vestibulandos, facilitando assim o processo de busca pela aprovação.
The entrance exam is one of the main ways of accessing higher education in Brazil and, consequently, it is important for the future of young people in the country. In view of the social relevance of this topic, together with the scarcity of scientific production in the area and the difficulty faced by most students in relation to mathematics, this research is justified. The aim is to analyze academic works on the subject and the math questions in the first phase of the entrance exams of the universities in São Paulo with the highest number of applicants in recent years: USP and UNESP. The results of the research highlight the constant need for teachers in the area to update their knowledge, given the historical evolution of the entrance exam in Brazil and its transformations over time. In fact, in the last five years, there have been significant changes, such as the change in the total number of math questions in both exams. In addition, the analysis provided a detailed understanding of these entrance exams, highlighting the most frequent content in the tests and the characteristics of the questions, such as the use of contextualization and their different levels of difficulty. The data found can serve as a basis for the preparation of classes, content and activities by teachers, as well as contributing to the study of entrance exam students, thus facilitating the process of seeking approval.
The entrance exam is one of the main ways of accessing higher education in Brazil and, consequently, it is important for the future of young people in the country. In view of the social relevance of this topic, together with the scarcity of scientific production in the area and the difficulty faced by most students in relation to mathematics, this research is justified. The aim is to analyze academic works on the subject and the math questions in the first phase of the entrance exams of the universities in São Paulo with the highest number of applicants in recent years: USP and UNESP. The results of the research highlight the constant need for teachers in the area to update their knowledge, given the historical evolution of the entrance exam in Brazil and its transformations over time. In fact, in the last five years, there have been significant changes, such as the change in the total number of math questions in both exams. In addition, the analysis provided a detailed understanding of these entrance exams, highlighting the most frequent content in the tests and the characteristics of the questions, such as the use of contextualization and their different levels of difficulty. The data found can serve as a basis for the preparation of classes, content and activities by teachers, as well as contributing to the study of entrance exam students, thus facilitating the process of seeking approval.
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vestibular , matemática , Fuvest , Vunesp , ensino superior , university entrance exam , Mathematics , FUVEST , VUNESP , higher education