A relevância dos recursos da ANS na resolução de conflitos: uma análise da NIP notificação de intermediação preliminar
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Martins, Victoria Hirschberg
Marques, Davi
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Com base no exame de pesquisas e dados da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS), no que se refere aos recursos da ANS na resolução de
conflitos, bem como pela análise da Notificação de Intermediação Preliminar (NIP), foi possível verificar que, embora o meio judicial, a priori, pareça ser uma forma mais efetiva de buscar a garantia de direitos, os estudos sobre a aplicabilidade da ferramenta do NIP demonstram que a resolução de lides por meio de métodos alternativos tende a ser igualmente eficaz e, em muitos casos, mais eficiente. A Notificação de Intermediação Preliminar tem se mostrado um instrumento valioso na mediação de conflitos entre consumidores e operadoras de planos de saúde. O uso do NIP permite uma abordagem mais ágil e menos onerosa, promovendo a solução de disputas de maneira colaborativa e com menor formalismo. Os dados indicam que a utilização do NIP pela ANS não só reduz a sobrecarga do sistema judiciário, mas também melhora a satisfação dos beneficiários ao proporcionar uma resolução mais rápida e efetiva de suas demandas.
Based on the examination of research and data from the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS), with regard to the resources of the ANS in the resolution of conflicts, as well as the analysis of the Preliminary Intermediation Notification (NIP), it was possible to verify that, although the judicial means, a priori, seems to be a more effective way to seek the guarantee of rights, studies on the applicability of the NIP tool show that the resolution of disputes by means of alternative methods tends to be equally effective and, in many cases, more efficient. The Preliminary Intermediation Notification has proven to be a valuable tool in mediating conflicts between consumers and health plan operators. The use of NIP allows for a more agile and less costly approach, promoting the resolution of disputes in a collaborative manner and with less formalism. The data indicate that the use of NIP by the ANS not only reduces the burden on the judicial system, but also improves the satisfaction of beneficiaries by providing a faster and more effective resolution of their demands.
Based on the examination of research and data from the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS), with regard to the resources of the ANS in the resolution of conflicts, as well as the analysis of the Preliminary Intermediation Notification (NIP), it was possible to verify that, although the judicial means, a priori, seems to be a more effective way to seek the guarantee of rights, studies on the applicability of the NIP tool show that the resolution of disputes by means of alternative methods tends to be equally effective and, in many cases, more efficient. The Preliminary Intermediation Notification has proven to be a valuable tool in mediating conflicts between consumers and health plan operators. The use of NIP allows for a more agile and less costly approach, promoting the resolution of disputes in a collaborative manner and with less formalism. The data indicate that the use of NIP by the ANS not only reduces the burden on the judicial system, but also improves the satisfaction of beneficiaries by providing a faster and more effective resolution of their demands.
saúde suplementar , Agência de Saúde Nacional Suplementar , notificação de intermediação preliminar , direito da saúde , supplemental health , National Supplementary Health Agency , notification of preliminary intermediation , health law