A responsabilidade civil por violência obstétrica
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Cunha, Manoela Azevedo
Santos, Murilo Rezende
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A violência obstétrica é caracterizada como todo ato e conduta violenta contra a
mulher que se dá durante o pré-natal, parto e o pós-parto, podendo ser realizado por
qualquer profissional da saúde. Sendo assim, este estudo propõe investigar como as
normas jurídicas, especificamente no âmbito da Responsabilidade Civil em casos de
violência obstétrica poderão contribuir para a proteção dos direitos das mulheres
gestantes, bem como o dever de assegurar a devida reparação a essas mulheres.
Para mais, a presente pesquisa foi baseada pela metodologia qualitativa, feita a
partir de pesquisas bibliográficas, e análises de materiais teóricos como artigos,
livros e revistas relacionadas à violência obstétrica e a Responsabilidade Civil.
Dessa forma, consiste na apresentação dos pensamentos de diversos autores a
respeito do tema de forma aprofundada. Os resultados destacaram as múltiplas
formas de violência que ocorrem durante a assistência à gravidez, parto, pós-parto e
abortamento, incluindo: abuso físico, psicológico, intervenções médicas
desnecessárias, desrespeito à autonomia da mulher, entre outros. Logo, esses
aspectos evidenciam a necessidade de responsabilizar os culpados por tais atos e
garantir a reparação para as vítimas dessa violência.
Obstetric violence is characterized as any violent act or behavior against women that occurs during prenatal care, childbirth, and postpartum, and can be perpetrated by any health professional. Therefore, this study aims to investigate how legal norms, specifically in the realm of Civil Liability in cases of obstetric violence, can contribute to the protection of the rights of pregnant women, as well as the duty to ensure due compensation to these women. Furthermore, this research was based on a qualitative methodology, conducted through bibliographic research, and analysis of theoretical materials such as articles, books, and journals related to obstetric violence and civil liability. In this way, it consists of presenting the thoughts of various authors on the topic in depth. The results highlighted the multiple forms of violence that occur during pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and abortion care, including: physical abuse, psychological abuse, unnecessary medical interventions, disrespect for women's autonomy, among others. Therefore, these aspects underline the need to hold the perpetrators accountable for such acts and to ensure reparations for the victims of this violence.
Obstetric violence is characterized as any violent act or behavior against women that occurs during prenatal care, childbirth, and postpartum, and can be perpetrated by any health professional. Therefore, this study aims to investigate how legal norms, specifically in the realm of Civil Liability in cases of obstetric violence, can contribute to the protection of the rights of pregnant women, as well as the duty to ensure due compensation to these women. Furthermore, this research was based on a qualitative methodology, conducted through bibliographic research, and analysis of theoretical materials such as articles, books, and journals related to obstetric violence and civil liability. In this way, it consists of presenting the thoughts of various authors on the topic in depth. The results highlighted the multiple forms of violence that occur during pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and abortion care, including: physical abuse, psychological abuse, unnecessary medical interventions, disrespect for women's autonomy, among others. Therefore, these aspects underline the need to hold the perpetrators accountable for such acts and to ensure reparations for the victims of this violence.
violência obstétrica , violência contra a mulher , responsabilidade civil , direitos das mulheres gestantes , abuso físico e psicológico , obstetric violence , violence against women , civil liability , rights of pregnant women , physical and psychological abuse