O afastamento da obrigatoriedade do regime de separação de bens para maiores de 70 anos
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Vaz, Andréa de Oliveira
Silva, Simone Oliveira Flores da
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Este trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar os argumentos que o Supremo Tribunal Federal utilizou, junto a muitos doutrinadores e estudiosos do Direito de Família, a fim de afastar a obrigatoriedade do regime de bens aos maiores de 70 anos que consta no artigo 1641, inciso II, do Código Civil de 2002. A legislação de 2002 impôs um regime para os idosos, alegando a fragilidade e guardando a proteção dos bens destes. Esta análise considerou o posicionamento doutrinário referente a esta norma e os princípios que ela infringe, por exemplo, o princípio da autonomia da vontade, que é princípio e direito fundamentais. No presente estudo, será feita uma passagem histórica dos principais institutos, como casamento, união estável e regime de bens,
além das considerações favoráveis e desfavoráveis a respeito da decisão da Suprema Corte em fevereiro de 2024. Foi adotado o método dedutivo, utilizando pesquisa bibliográfica, doutrinas, jurisprudências e artigos científicos.
This work aimed to present the arguments that Federal Supreme Court used, together with many other authorities of Family Law, in order to remove the mandatory property regime for those over 70 years old contained in article 1641, iten II, of the Civil Code of 2002. The 2002 legislation imposes a regime for this social niche, the elderly, claiming fragility and protecting these assets. This analysis considers the doctrinal position from this norm and the principles that it violates, for example, the principle of will of autonomy, which is a fundamental principal and right. In the presente study, a survey of the history of the main institutions, such as marriage, stable union and property regime, was made, in addition to the elaborate and unfavorable consideration regarding the Supreme Court decision in February 2024. The deductive method, using bibliographic research, doctrines, investigations, scientific articles and others.
This work aimed to present the arguments that Federal Supreme Court used, together with many other authorities of Family Law, in order to remove the mandatory property regime for those over 70 years old contained in article 1641, iten II, of the Civil Code of 2002. The 2002 legislation imposes a regime for this social niche, the elderly, claiming fragility and protecting these assets. This analysis considers the doctrinal position from this norm and the principles that it violates, for example, the principle of will of autonomy, which is a fundamental principal and right. In the presente study, a survey of the history of the main institutions, such as marriage, stable union and property regime, was made, in addition to the elaborate and unfavorable consideration regarding the Supreme Court decision in February 2024. The deductive method, using bibliographic research, doctrines, investigations, scientific articles and others.
idoso , direito , casamento , regime de bens , elderly , law , marriage , property regime