Convenções processuais e a fazenda pública : possibilidades, limites e controle
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Silva, João Carlos Almeida
Vannucci, Rodolpho
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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso tem como objeto a análise doutrinária
acerca da celebração de negócios jurídicos processuais pela Fazenda Pública. Tratase
de relevante tema no contexto do direito processual civil, considerando que o
Código de Processo Civil brasileiro, em seus artigos 190 a 193, prevê a possibilidade
de as partes ajustarem convenções processuais para adequar o procedimento às
necessidades específicas do caso, levanta-se o questionamento quanto aos
pressupostos, limites e validade da sua aplicação nas demandas em que a Fazenda
Pública figure como parte, considerando o regime jurídico a que se submete e que lhe
confere prerrogativas processuais. Tais convenções, que podem abranger desde a
fixação de prazos até a delimitação de provas, visam conferir celeridade e eficiência
ao processo, contribuindo para a otimização dos recursos públicos e a redução da
litigiosidade. No entanto, tais negociações devem respeitar os princípios da legalidade
e indisponibilidade do interesse público, conciliando a natureza pública da demanda
com a valorização da vontade das partes. Desta forma, segmentado em três partes,
este trabalho apresenta inicialmente o conceito e classificação dos negócios jurídicos
processuais, contextualizando brevemente sua inserção em nosso ordenamento
jurídico até o modelo empregado atualmente. Na segunda parte, serão abordados
pontos fundamentais para a plena compreensão do tema, como a definição doutrinária
de Fazenda Pública, pressupostos para a celebração e a possibilidade de disposição
de prerrogativas processuais na celebração de convenções processuais. Por fim, após
a análise da possibilidade de o Poder Público celebrar negócios jurídicos processuais
visando uma maior adaptabilidade do processo às peculiaridades de cada caso,
promovendo a efetividade da prestação jurisdicional, sem a pretensão de
esgotamento do tema, serão dispostos os limites e controle impostos à celebração
para que não ofenda o interesse público e observe os limites legais para a celebração
desses negócios, garantindo a igualdade e a segurança jurídica no processo.
The present undergraduate thesis aims at doctrinal analysis regarding the celebration of procedural legal transactions by the Public Treasury. This is a relevant topic in the context of civil procedural law, considering that the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure, in its articles 190 to 193, provides for the possibility of parties adjusting procedural conventions to adapt the procedure to the specific needs of the case. This raises questions about the assumptions, limits, and validity of their application in lawsuits where the Public Treasury is a party, considering the legal regime to which it is subject and which grants it procedural prerogatives. Such conventions, which may range from setting deadlines to defining evidence, aim to provide speed and efficiency to the process, contributing to the optimization of public resources and the reduction of litigation. However, such negotiations must respect the principles of legality and nondisposability of the public interest, reconciling the public nature of the lawsuit with the valorization of the parties' will. Thus, segmented into three parts, this work initially presents the concept and classification of procedural legal transactions, briefly contextualizing their insertion into our legal system up to the model currently employed. In the second part, fundamental points for the full understanding of the subject will be addressed, such as the doctrinal definition of the Public Treasury, assumptions for the celebration, and the possibility of disposal of procedural prerogatives in the celebration of procedural conventions. Finally, after analyzing the possibility of the Public Authority celebrating procedural legal transactions aiming at greater adaptability of the process to the peculiarities of each case, promoting the effectiveness of judicial provision, without the pretension of exhausting the subject, the limits and control imposed on the celebration will be provided so as not to offend the public interest and observe the legal limits for the celebration of these transactions, ensuring equality and legal certainty in the process.
The present undergraduate thesis aims at doctrinal analysis regarding the celebration of procedural legal transactions by the Public Treasury. This is a relevant topic in the context of civil procedural law, considering that the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure, in its articles 190 to 193, provides for the possibility of parties adjusting procedural conventions to adapt the procedure to the specific needs of the case. This raises questions about the assumptions, limits, and validity of their application in lawsuits where the Public Treasury is a party, considering the legal regime to which it is subject and which grants it procedural prerogatives. Such conventions, which may range from setting deadlines to defining evidence, aim to provide speed and efficiency to the process, contributing to the optimization of public resources and the reduction of litigation. However, such negotiations must respect the principles of legality and nondisposability of the public interest, reconciling the public nature of the lawsuit with the valorization of the parties' will. Thus, segmented into three parts, this work initially presents the concept and classification of procedural legal transactions, briefly contextualizing their insertion into our legal system up to the model currently employed. In the second part, fundamental points for the full understanding of the subject will be addressed, such as the doctrinal definition of the Public Treasury, assumptions for the celebration, and the possibility of disposal of procedural prerogatives in the celebration of procedural conventions. Finally, after analyzing the possibility of the Public Authority celebrating procedural legal transactions aiming at greater adaptability of the process to the peculiarities of each case, promoting the effectiveness of judicial provision, without the pretension of exhausting the subject, the limits and control imposed on the celebration will be provided so as not to offend the public interest and observe the legal limits for the celebration of these transactions, ensuring equality and legal certainty in the process.
convenções processuais , negócios jurídicos processuais , código de processo civil , fazenda pública , procedural conventions , procedural legal business , code of civil procedure , public finance