Desempenho motor em crianças típicas durante a prática de jogo virtual e usabilidade de membros inferiores
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Vannucci, Giovana Zalkind
Graciani, Zodja
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Os avanços recentes em tecnologia digital têm permitido aos terapeutas da reabilitação aplicar jogos virtuais nas avaliações e tratamentos. Objetivo: Verificar o desempenho de indivíduos com desenvolvimento típico durante a prática de jogo virtual e usabilidade com os membros inferiores. Método: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico observacional transversal com 25 participantes, crianças e adolescentes, recrutados do clube A Hebraica de São Paulo. Foram submetidos a tarefa de jogo virtual conhecido como MoveHero, tarefa executada e observada com quatro músicas diferentes consecutivas. Ao final, foi aplicado o questionário System Usability Scale (SUS) a fim de verificar o nível de usabilidade. Resultado: Para o erro absoluto (EA), a ANOVA revelou um efeito significativo dos momentos no Erro Absoluto (F3, 72 = 3.64, p = 0.033, ηp2 = 0.13), indicando uma redução generalizada do EA de M1 para M4, sem interação entre os fatores. Para o erro variável (EV), ANOVA evidenciou um efeito principal significativo para os Momentos no Erro Variável (F3, 72 = 2.95; p = 0.050, ηp2 = 0.10), indicando uma diminuição generalizada do EV de M1 para M4, sem interação entre os fatores. Conclusão: O jogo MoveHero apresentou usabilidade positiva ao ser praticado com os membros inferiores, e as crianças e adolescentes melhoraram o desempenho à medida que executavam a tarefa com redução de erros e consequentemente mais acurados e precisos. Palavras Chaves: Jogos Eletrônicos de Movimento; realidade virtual; crianças e adolescente; desempenho físico; teste de usabilidade.
Recent advances in digital technology have allowed rehabilitation therapists to apply virtual games to assessments and treatments. Objective: To verify the performance of individuals with typical development during virtual game practice with analysis of the lower limbs (LL). Method: This is a cross-sectional observational clinical trial with 25 participants, children and adolescents, recruited from the A Hebraica club in São Paulo. They were subjected to a virtual game task using the MoveHero platform, a task performed and observed with four consecutive different songs. At the end, the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire was applied to check the level of usability. Result: For absolute error (EA), ANOVA revealed a significant effect of Moments on Absolute Error (F3, 72 = 3.64, p = 0.033, ηp2 = 0.13), indicating a generalized reduction of EA from M1 to M4, without interaction between the factors. For variable error (EV), ANOVA showed a significant main effect for Moments in Variable Error (F3, 72 = 2.95; p = 0.050, ηp2 = 0.10), indicating a generalized decrease in EV from M1 to M4, with no interaction between the factors. Conclusion: The MoveHero game showed positive usability when played with the lower limbs, and children and adolescents improved their performance as they performed the task, reducing errors and consequently being more accurate and precise.
Recent advances in digital technology have allowed rehabilitation therapists to apply virtual games to assessments and treatments. Objective: To verify the performance of individuals with typical development during virtual game practice with analysis of the lower limbs (LL). Method: This is a cross-sectional observational clinical trial with 25 participants, children and adolescents, recruited from the A Hebraica club in São Paulo. They were subjected to a virtual game task using the MoveHero platform, a task performed and observed with four consecutive different songs. At the end, the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire was applied to check the level of usability. Result: For absolute error (EA), ANOVA revealed a significant effect of Moments on Absolute Error (F3, 72 = 3.64, p = 0.033, ηp2 = 0.13), indicating a generalized reduction of EA from M1 to M4, without interaction between the factors. For variable error (EV), ANOVA showed a significant main effect for Moments in Variable Error (F3, 72 = 2.95; p = 0.050, ηp2 = 0.10), indicating a generalized decrease in EV from M1 to M4, with no interaction between the factors. Conclusion: The MoveHero game showed positive usability when played with the lower limbs, and children and adolescents improved their performance as they performed the task, reducing errors and consequently being more accurate and precise.
jogos eletrônicos de movimento , realidade virtual , crianças e adolescente , desempenho físico , teste de usabilidade , exergaming , virtual reality , children and adolescents , physical performance , user-centered design