Diagnóstico precoce de paralisia cerebral em países em desenvolvimento: revisão integrativa da lieratura
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Andrade, Aline Sousa de
Assis, Silvana Maria Blascovi de
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Introdução: A paralisia cerebral (PC) é a deficiência física mais comum da infância, é causada por lesão no cérebro em desenvolvimento. Sua prevalência varia entre países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento. O diagnóstico precoce é crucial, mas a maioria das ferramentas e estudos foca em países de alta renda, destacando a necessidade de pesquisas específicas para países de baixa e média renda, considerando suas diferenças culturais e de recursos de saúde. Metodologia: A pesquisa caracteriza-se como uma revisão integrativa da literatura. Foram seguidas as etapas de coleta de informações: (1) triagem e busca; (2) seleção de artigos; (3) leitura integral dos artigos. Resultados: Inicialmente foram identificados 459 estudos na busca, após triagem e exclusão, oito artigos foram selecionados para a revisão. A General Movement Assessment (GMA) foi a ferramenta mais frequente para o diagnóstico precoce de PC em países de baixa e média renda, abordada em seis dos oito estudos. O Hammersmith neonatal neurological examination (HNNE) e o Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE) foram discutidos em dois estudos cada, enquanto a neuroimagem foi considerada em dois dos oito estudos. Conclusão: Verificou-se que há uma escassez de estudos sobre o diagnóstico precoce de PC em países de baixa e média renda, destacando a necessidade de mais pesquisas. Em bebês com fatores de risco identificáveis ao nascimento, ferramentas como a GMA, o HINE e a Ressonância Magnética Neonatal demonstraram precisão nesses países.
Introduction: Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the most common childhood physical disability, caused by brain injury during development. Its prevalence varies between developed and developing countries. Early diagnosis is crucial, but most tools and studies focus on high-income countries, underscoring the need for specific research in low- and middle-income countries, considering their cultural and healthcare resource differences. Methodology: The research is characterized as an integrative literature review. Information collection followed these steps: (1) screening and search; (2) article selection; (3) full article reading. Results: Initially, 459 studies were identified in the search; after screening and exclusion, eight articles were selected for the review. General Movement Assessment (GMA) was the most frequent tool for early CP diagnosis in low- and middle-income countries, discussed in six of the eight studies. Hammersmith Neonatal Neurological Examination (HNNE) and Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE) were each discussed in two studies, while neuroimaging was considered in two of the eight studies. Conclusion: A scarcity of studies on early CP diagnosis in low- and middle-income countries was observed, emphasizing the need for more research. In infants with identifiable risk factors at birth, tools such as GMA, HINE, and Neonatal Magnetic Resonance Imaging demonstrated accuracy in these countries.
Introduction: Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the most common childhood physical disability, caused by brain injury during development. Its prevalence varies between developed and developing countries. Early diagnosis is crucial, but most tools and studies focus on high-income countries, underscoring the need for specific research in low- and middle-income countries, considering their cultural and healthcare resource differences. Methodology: The research is characterized as an integrative literature review. Information collection followed these steps: (1) screening and search; (2) article selection; (3) full article reading. Results: Initially, 459 studies were identified in the search; after screening and exclusion, eight articles were selected for the review. General Movement Assessment (GMA) was the most frequent tool for early CP diagnosis in low- and middle-income countries, discussed in six of the eight studies. Hammersmith Neonatal Neurological Examination (HNNE) and Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE) were each discussed in two studies, while neuroimaging was considered in two of the eight studies. Conclusion: A scarcity of studies on early CP diagnosis in low- and middle-income countries was observed, emphasizing the need for more research. In infants with identifiable risk factors at birth, tools such as GMA, HINE, and Neonatal Magnetic Resonance Imaging demonstrated accuracy in these countries.
paralisia cerebral , diagnóstico precoce , países em desenvolvimento , cerebral palsy , early diagnosis , developing countries