O papel das redes sociais na propagação de escândalos empresariais : estudo de caso das vinícolas brasileiras Salton, Aurora e Garibaldi
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Santos, Felipe Rios dos
Silva, Gabriela Costa Miranda Marques da
Cassaro, Tais Galvão
Silva, Gabriela Costa Miranda Marques da
Cassaro, Tais Galvão
Farias, Mariana Munis de
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As mídias sociais tornaram-se uma ferramenta cada vez mais influente na
disseminação de informações e formação de opiniões na sociedade. Nessa
circunstância, esse trabalho tem como objetivo analisar qual é o papel das redes
sociais e seus usuários diante de escândalos empresariais relacionados com
funcionários e situações degradantes que os mesmos são expostos. Ao mesmo
tempo que as mídias sociais ganham força, as práticas de ESG também vêm sendo
discutidas pela sociedade e aplicadas pelas organizações. O presente estudo
ressalta a importância do uso correto das mídias sociais e que as empresas
entendam que os consumidores irão cobrar cada dia mais por práticas aderentes ao
termo ESG. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica e qualitativa com nove
pessoas, com amostragem não probabilística por conveniência e julgamento com
perguntas de roteiro abertas, semi-estruturadas que contribuíram para o
entendimento do comportamento do consumidor em casos de escândalos
empresariais relacionados com ESG. Os resultados mostram que, em casos como o
que pautou o trabalho, as redes sociais têm um papel fundamental na propagação e
amplificação do ocorrido, visto a forma rápida que as informações chegam e o
alcance que as mídias sociais propagam. Conclui-se, portanto, que as redes sociais
desempenham um papel determinante na propagação de escândalos empresariais
e, por consequência, na imagem e reputação das empresas envolvidas.
Social media has become an increasingly influential tool for disseminating information and shaping opinions in society. In this context, this assignment aims to analyze the role of social networks and their users in the face of corporate scandals related to employees and the degrading situations they are exposed to. At the same time that social media is gaining momentum, ESG practices are also being discussed by society and applied by organizations. This project paper highlights the importance of using social media correctly and that companies should understand that consumers will increasingly demand ESG practices. A bibliographical and qualitative survey was carried out with nine people, with non-probabilistic sampling by convenience and judgment with open-ended, semi-structured questions that contributed to understanding consumer behavior in cases of corporate scandals related to ESG. The results show that, in cases such as the one in question, social networks play a fundamental role in propagating and amplifying what happened, given the speed with which the information arrives and the reach that social media has. Therefore, social networks play a decisive role in the spread of corporate scandals and, consequently, in the image and reputation of the companies involved.
Social media has become an increasingly influential tool for disseminating information and shaping opinions in society. In this context, this assignment aims to analyze the role of social networks and their users in the face of corporate scandals related to employees and the degrading situations they are exposed to. At the same time that social media is gaining momentum, ESG practices are also being discussed by society and applied by organizations. This project paper highlights the importance of using social media correctly and that companies should understand that consumers will increasingly demand ESG practices. A bibliographical and qualitative survey was carried out with nine people, with non-probabilistic sampling by convenience and judgment with open-ended, semi-structured questions that contributed to understanding consumer behavior in cases of corporate scandals related to ESG. The results show that, in cases such as the one in question, social networks play a fundamental role in propagating and amplifying what happened, given the speed with which the information arrives and the reach that social media has. Therefore, social networks play a decisive role in the spread of corporate scandals and, consequently, in the image and reputation of the companies involved.
ESG , escândalos empresariais , redes sociais , propagação , ESG , corporate scandals , social media