Criação de valor como meio de fidelização do consumidor
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Corvino, Gustavo Mourad
Barbosa, Rafael Revoredo
Ribolla, Lucas Colombi
Dias, Ricardo Tessari
Barbosa, Rafael Revoredo
Ribolla, Lucas Colombi
Dias, Ricardo Tessari
Camargo Filho, Altair
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Membros da banca
Este artigo analisou a influência da percepção de valor na fidelidade e intenção de compra dos consumidores da geração Z no mercado de streetwear, sob a perspectiva do consumidor. Dividiu-se a metodologia em duas etapas, uma pesquisa qualitativa inicial possibilitando uma pesquisa quantitativa sucessora, analisando as relações entre os constructos. Os resultados foram explorados em três etapas: análise geral, correlação e regressão linear múltipla. Na correlação, todas as situações resultaram em valores positivos, indicando conexão entre a variável independente (percepção de valor) e as variáveis dependentes (fidelidade e intenção de compra). Na regressão linear múltipla, duas das três marcas estudadas obtiveram resultados estatisticamente significativos, indicando que, ao aumentar a percepção de valor dos consumidores, sua fidelidade e intenção de compra acompanham o movimento. O artigo favoreceu a teoria e a aplicação prática de conceitos no mercado de streetwear da geração Z, desenvolvendo estudos sobre percepção de valor, fidelidade e intenção de compra nesse contexto. Para a aplicação prática, concluiu-se que as empresas deste mercado podem aumentar a fidelidade e/ou a intenção de compra dos consumidores ao elevar a percepção de valor em relação aos produtos oferecidos.
This article examined the influence of perceived value on the loyalty and purchase intention of Generation Z consumers in the streetwear market, from the consumer's perspective. The methodology was divided into two stages, with an initial qualitative study enabling a subsequent quantitative investigation, analyzing the relationships between constructs. The results were explored in three stages: overall analysis, correlation, and multiple linear regression. In the correlation stage, all situations resulted in positive values, indicating a connection between the independent variable (perceived value) and the dependent variables (loyalty and purchase intention). In the multiple linear regression study, two out of three brands showed statistically significant results, indicating that increasing consumers' perceived value corresponds to increased loyalty and purchase intention. The article supported both theoretical and practical applications of concepts in the Generation Z streetwear market, developing studies on perceived value, loyalty, and purchase intention in this context. For practical application, it was concluded that companies in this market can enhance consumer loyalty and/or purchase intention by elevating perceived value regarding the offered products.
This article examined the influence of perceived value on the loyalty and purchase intention of Generation Z consumers in the streetwear market, from the consumer's perspective. The methodology was divided into two stages, with an initial qualitative study enabling a subsequent quantitative investigation, analyzing the relationships between constructs. The results were explored in three stages: overall analysis, correlation, and multiple linear regression. In the correlation stage, all situations resulted in positive values, indicating a connection between the independent variable (perceived value) and the dependent variables (loyalty and purchase intention). In the multiple linear regression study, two out of three brands showed statistically significant results, indicating that increasing consumers' perceived value corresponds to increased loyalty and purchase intention. The article supported both theoretical and practical applications of concepts in the Generation Z streetwear market, developing studies on perceived value, loyalty, and purchase intention in this context. For practical application, it was concluded that companies in this market can enhance consumer loyalty and/or purchase intention by elevating perceived value regarding the offered products.
percepção de valor , fidelidade , intenção de compra , streetwear , perceived value , fidelity , buying intent , streetwear