O impacto do anúncio de um país sediar a copa do mundo no seu mercado de ações
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Dominguez, Bruno Izar Paulo
Afonso, Lucas Pellicano
Moran Filho, Renato
Afonso, Lucas Pellicano
Moran Filho, Renato
Juca, Michele Nascimento
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Mega eventos esportivos como a copa do mundo mobilizam bilhões de pessoas, seja física ou virtualmente. Logo, a hospedagem desses eventos oferece a chance de os países exercerem seu soft power, além de aquecer as economias locais. A copa do mundo de 2026 possui um formato inédito, envolvendo os três países da América do Norte. Entretanto, por vezes, os países candidatos a sediá-los superestimam os benefícios futuros, desconsiderando a real dimensão dos custos associados. Entre os setores mais diretamente favorecidos nesses países está o de turismo. Assim sendo, este estudo tem por objetivo verificar se o anúncio da escolha dos países sedes copa do mundo de 2026 impacta positivamente o retorno das ações do seu setor de turismo. Essa análise se dá por meio de um estudo de evento, no qual a data de anúncio da escolha dos países sede é em 13 de junho de 2018. Os resultados não confirmam a hipótese principal do estudo, uma vez que os pregões na bolsa de valores apresentam um retorno acumulado anormal negativo. Porém, além da confirmação da hipótese de eficiência de mercado, esta pesquisa oferece a oportunidade de empresas e países refletirem sobre as projeções de investimentos e receitas, no momento da sua candidatura.
Mega sporting events like the World Cup mobilize billions of people, whether physically or virtually. Therefore, hosting these events offers the chance for countries to exercise their soft power, in addition to boosting local economies. The 2026 World Cup has an unprecedented format, involving the three North American countries. However, sometimes candidate countries to host them overestimate the future benefits, disregarding the real dimension of the associated costs. Among the sectors most directly favored in these countries is tourism. Therefore, this study aims to verify whether the announcement of the choice of countries to host the 2026 World Cup has a positive impact on the return on shares in their tourism sector. This analysis is carried out through an event study, in which the date of announcement of the choice of host countries is on June 13, 2018. The results do not confirm the main hypothesis of the study, since the stock exchange trading sessions present negative cumulative abnormal returns. However, in addition to confirming the market efficiency hypothesis, this research offers the opportunity for companies and countries to reflect on investment and revenue projections at the time of their application.
Mega sporting events like the World Cup mobilize billions of people, whether physically or virtually. Therefore, hosting these events offers the chance for countries to exercise their soft power, in addition to boosting local economies. The 2026 World Cup has an unprecedented format, involving the three North American countries. However, sometimes candidate countries to host them overestimate the future benefits, disregarding the real dimension of the associated costs. Among the sectors most directly favored in these countries is tourism. Therefore, this study aims to verify whether the announcement of the choice of countries to host the 2026 World Cup has a positive impact on the return on shares in their tourism sector. This analysis is carried out through an event study, in which the date of announcement of the choice of host countries is on June 13, 2018. The results do not confirm the main hypothesis of the study, since the stock exchange trading sessions present negative cumulative abnormal returns. However, in addition to confirming the market efficiency hypothesis, this research offers the opportunity for companies and countries to reflect on investment and revenue projections at the time of their application.
copa do mundo , FIFA , mercado de ações , turismo , estudo de evento , América do Norte , world cup , FIFA , stock market , tourism , event study , North America