A inseminação caseira como forma de planejamento familiar no Brasil
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Silva, Beatriz Seballo da
Marineli, Marcelo Romão
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As técnicas de reprodução assistida têm sido cada vez mais procuradas no Brasil.
Casais inférteis ou homoafetivos procuram formas para realizar a tão desejada gravidez. Ocorre
que os tratamentos possuem altos custos e, na rede pública, as filas de espera são longas. Dessa
forma, a busca por meios alternativos tem crescido. A inseminação caseira ou autoinseminação
é uma prática informal que casais utilizam, uma vez que não possui alto valor ou burocracias.
Todavia, essa falta de regulamentação resulta em diversos riscos, tratados ao longo do trabalho,
para as partes envolvidas. Assim, o presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar as consequências
da autoinseminação dentro de um contexto de planejamento familiar, relacionadas à filiação e
ao registro civil da criança nascida. Pretende-se concluir que a inseminação caseira deve ter os
mesmos efeitos jurídicos aplicados às reproduções assistidas, para impossibilitar eventual
reconhecimento do doador de material genético como pai da criança nascida e, também, para
facilitar o registro da dupla maternidade no caso de casais homoafetivos femininos que
realizarem a inseminação caseira.
Assisted reproduction techniques have become increasingly popular in Brazil. Infertile or homosexual couples are looking for ways to achieve their desired pregnancy. However, the treatments are expensive and there are long waiting lines in the public health system. As a result, the search for alternative means has grown. Home insemination or self insemination is an informal practice that couples use, since it doesn't involve high costs or bureaucracy. However, this lack of regulation results in a number of risks for the parties involved. The aim of this study is therefore to analyze the consequences of self-insemination within the context of family planning in relation to filiation and the civil registration of the born child. It is intended to conclude that home insemination should have the same legal effects as assisted reproduction, to make it impossible to recognize the donor of genetic material as the father of the child born, and also to facilitate the registration of double parenthood in the case of female homosexual couples who perform home insemination.
Assisted reproduction techniques have become increasingly popular in Brazil. Infertile or homosexual couples are looking for ways to achieve their desired pregnancy. However, the treatments are expensive and there are long waiting lines in the public health system. As a result, the search for alternative means has grown. Home insemination or self insemination is an informal practice that couples use, since it doesn't involve high costs or bureaucracy. However, this lack of regulation results in a number of risks for the parties involved. The aim of this study is therefore to analyze the consequences of self-insemination within the context of family planning in relation to filiation and the civil registration of the born child. It is intended to conclude that home insemination should have the same legal effects as assisted reproduction, to make it impossible to recognize the donor of genetic material as the father of the child born, and also to facilitate the registration of double parenthood in the case of female homosexual couples who perform home insemination.
inseminação caseira , reprodução assistida , planejamento familiar , home insemination , assisted reproduction , family planning