S/A: história, constituição e problemáticas burocráticas
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Rodrigues, Aurea Gelamo
Barbosa Filho, Marcelo Fortes
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Esta pesquisa se trata de estudos realizados sobre o tipo societário característico de
companhias de grande porte, que consiste nas sociedades anônimas, a fim de abordar seu
contexto histórico desde a sua criação, com enfoque no Brasil, os procedimentos preliminares
necessários para a constituição de uma sociedade anônima no Brasil, bem como as
problemáticas burocráticas acerca da constituição. O estudo tem como objetivo ilustrar os
conceitos, as características, o modo de como se constitui essa sociedade e os desdobramentos
e problemáticas existentes na prática para se constituir uma sociedade anônima. A
metodologia aplicada será com base em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, mediante o
método qualitativo, bem como o que é aprendido na prática ao se constituir sociedades.
This research deals with studies carried out on the corporate type characteristic of large companies, which consists of corporations, in order to address its historical context since its creation, focusing on Brazil, the preliminary procedures necessary for the constitution of a corporation in Brazil, as well as the bureaucratic problems surrounding the constitution. The study aims to illustrate the concepts, characteristics, the way in which this company is constituted and the developments and problems that exist in practice when establishing a joint-stock company. The methodology applied will be based on bibliographic and documentary research, using the qualitative method, as well as what is learned in practice when establishing companies.
This research deals with studies carried out on the corporate type characteristic of large companies, which consists of corporations, in order to address its historical context since its creation, focusing on Brazil, the preliminary procedures necessary for the constitution of a corporation in Brazil, as well as the bureaucratic problems surrounding the constitution. The study aims to illustrate the concepts, characteristics, the way in which this company is constituted and the developments and problems that exist in practice when establishing a joint-stock company. The methodology applied will be based on bibliographic and documentary research, using the qualitative method, as well as what is learned in practice when establishing companies.
sociedade anônima , história , constituição , desburocratização e problemáticas burocráticas , anonymous society , history , constitution , debureaucratization and bureaucratic problems