Terminalidade da vida e o direito de morrer com dignidade à luz do biodireito e da bioética
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Gonçalves, Ana Paula Cardoso
Rocha, Renata da
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A proposta deste trabalho é destacar a preservação da dignidade humana durante o processo de
morte, justificando a importância de assegurar esse valor na viabilização da prática de
procedimentos de fim de vida, como a eutanásia. Portanto, a questão central abordará os limites
estabelecidos pelo Estado ao indivíduo, que enfrenta intenso sofrimento, para decidir sobre o
término de sua própria vida. O trabalho irá relacionar o direito à morte como uma extensão do
direito à vida, conforme interpretado na Constituição. Para isso, serão discutidas as diferentes
dimensões da dignidade humana, como autonomia e heteronomia, e os diversos princípios que
envolvem o direito de morrer com dignidade.
A purpose of this paper is to highlight the preservation of human dignity during the dying process. process of death, justifying the importance of ensuring this value in the end-of-life procedures, such as euthanasia. Therefore, the central question will address the limits set by the State on the individual, who is facing intense suffering, to decide on ending their own life. own life. The work will relate the right to death as an extension of the right to life, as interpreted in the Constitution. To this end, it will the different dimensions of human dignity, such as autonomy and heteronomy, and the various principles surrounding the right to die with dignity.
A purpose of this paper is to highlight the preservation of human dignity during the dying process. process of death, justifying the importance of ensuring this value in the end-of-life procedures, such as euthanasia. Therefore, the central question will address the limits set by the State on the individual, who is facing intense suffering, to decide on ending their own life. own life. The work will relate the right to death as an extension of the right to life, as interpreted in the Constitution. To this end, it will the different dimensions of human dignity, such as autonomy and heteronomy, and the various principles surrounding the right to die with dignity.
dignidade da pessoa humana , autonomia do paciente , eutanásia , distanásia , dignity of the human person , patient autonomy , euthanasia , dysthanasia