Ciência da aprendizagem e Deeper Learning: construindo experiências educacionais significativas
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Matos , Pietra Cipolla de
Paiano , Ronê
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A Ciência da Aprendizagem busca compreender os processos pelos quais os alunos
aprendem e oferece uma possibilidade de estratégia eficaz para promover uma
aprendizagem mais significativa e duradoura enquanto o Deeper Learning busca
desenvolver habilidades e conhecimentos complexos nos alunos, ao invés de
simplesmente memorizar fatos enfatizando a aplicação prática do conhecimento, a
resolução de problemas, a colaboração e a autonomia. Este estudo buscou investigar
a aplicação de estratégias de ensino baseadas na Ciência da Aprendizagem e no
Deeper Learning para promover uma aprendizagem mais significativa e envolvente
para os estudantes. Para se atingir este objetivo o método utilizado foi a realização de
consulta ao projeto pedagógico e o plano de ensino da disciplina de ciências da
escola, além de livros, artigos científicos e sites sobre a temática. Diante da análise
aprofundada realizada ao longo desta pesquisa, percebeu-se que utilizar a Ciência da
Aprendizagem como instrumento de investigação dos processos de aprendizagem e
o Deeper Learning como uma abordagem educacional para aplicar esse
conhecimento científico, apresentam um potencial notável para aprimorar as práticas
de ensino nas escolas internacionais. Juntos, oferecem um conjunto de ferramentas
valiosas para promover uma educação mais eficiente, envolvente e alinhada às
demandas contemporâneas, preparando o estudante e formando-o integralmente.
ABSTRACT The Science of Learning seeks to understand the processes by which students learn and offers possibilities into effective strategies to promote more meaningful and lasting learning while Deeper Learning seeks to develop complex skills and knowledge in students rather than simply memorizing facts by emphasizing the practical application of knowledge, problem solving, collaboration and autonomy. This study sought to investigate the application of teaching strategies based on the Science of Learning and Deeper Learning to promote more meaningful and engaging learning for students. To achieve this goal, the method used was to consult the pedagogical project and the teaching plan for the school's science subject, as well as books, scientific articles and websites on the subject. From the in-depth analysis carried out throughout this research, it emerged that using the Science of Learning as a tool for investigating learning processes and Deeper Learning as an educational approach for applying this scientific knowledge have remarkable potential for improving teaching practices in international schools. Together, they offer a set of valuable tools to promote a more efficient, engaging education that is aligned with contemporary demands, preparing students and forming them as a whole.
ABSTRACT The Science of Learning seeks to understand the processes by which students learn and offers possibilities into effective strategies to promote more meaningful and lasting learning while Deeper Learning seeks to develop complex skills and knowledge in students rather than simply memorizing facts by emphasizing the practical application of knowledge, problem solving, collaboration and autonomy. This study sought to investigate the application of teaching strategies based on the Science of Learning and Deeper Learning to promote more meaningful and engaging learning for students. To achieve this goal, the method used was to consult the pedagogical project and the teaching plan for the school's science subject, as well as books, scientific articles and websites on the subject. From the in-depth analysis carried out throughout this research, it emerged that using the Science of Learning as a tool for investigating learning processes and Deeper Learning as an educational approach for applying this scientific knowledge have remarkable potential for improving teaching practices in international schools. Together, they offer a set of valuable tools to promote a more efficient, engaging education that is aligned with contemporary demands, preparing students and forming them as a whole.
ciência da aprendizagem , deeper learning , metodologia educacional , práticas reflexivas , science of learning , deeper lerarning , educational methodology , reflective practices