Desenvolvimento de habilidades socioemocionais nas escolas em crianças com TDAH
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Oliveira , Mariana Almeida de
Paiano , Ronê
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As habilidades socioemocionais tem ganhado espaço dentro do contexto escolar desde sua
inserção na Base Nascional Comum Curricular que propõe a sua contemplação em todas as
escolas desde 2020. Além de ser fundamental o desenvolvimento desta habilidade em todas
as pessoas, aquelas com Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH)
necessitam ainda mais do desenvolvimento desta habilidade pois podem apresentar deficit
também nesta habilidade. Adotados a definição de TDAH como sendo um transtorno do
neurodesenvolvimento caracterizado por níveis de desatenção, desorganização e/ou
hiperatividade e prejuizos sociais e as Habilidades socioemocionais são capacidades que o
indivíduo desenvolve para ter comportamentoss adequados dentro do grupo social que está
inserido. Em função disto este trabalho teve como objetivo geral compreender a importância
do trabalho das Habilidades Socioemocionais para crianças com TDAH. O método utilizado
foi e revisão bibliográfica utilizando sites e artigos que tratam da temática das habilidades
socioemocionais e do TDAH. Concluiu-se que o desenvolvimento das habilidades
socioemocionais é fundamental na base curricular das escolas com o objetivo de contibuir
para uma melhor saúde emocional e realização pessoal e profissional, desenvolvendo
cidadão mais resilientes e altruístas. As habilidades socioemocionais estão ligadas ao
desempeho escolar e ao bem-estar emocional, sendo essencial para lidar com desafios da
vida. Programas de intervenção escolar que desenvolvem habilidades socioemocionais são
essenciais para crianças com TDAH, ajudando-as a alcançar sucesso acadêmico e social. É
crucial criar um ambiente escolar acolhedor e inclusivo para todos os alunos, incluindo
aqueles com TDAH, implementando adaptações e estratégias para promover seu melhor
ABSTRACT Socio-emotional skills have been gaining prominence within the school context since their inclusion in the National Common Curricular Base, which proposes their integration into all schools since 2020. Besides being essential for the development of these skills in all individuals, those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) require even more emphasis on the development of these skills, as they may also exhibit deficits in this area. ADHD is defined as a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by levels of inattention, disorganization, and/or hyperactivity, along with social impairments. Socio-emotional skills are capacities that individuals develop to exhibit appropriate behaviors within their social groups. Given this, the general objective of this study was to understand the importance of working on Socio-emotional Skills for children with ADHD. The method employed was a literature review using websites and articles addressing the themes of socio-emotional skills and ADHD. It was concluded that the development of socio-emotional skills is fundamental in the school curriculum to contribute to better emotional health and personal and professional fulfillment, fostering more resilient and altruistic citizens. Socio-emotional skills are linked to academic performance and emotional well-being, proving essential in facing life's challenges. School intervention programs that develop socio-emotional skills are crucial for children with ADHD, aiding them in achieving academic and social success. Creating a welcoming and inclusive school environment for all students, including those with ADHD, is crucial, implementing adaptations and strategies to
ABSTRACT Socio-emotional skills have been gaining prominence within the school context since their inclusion in the National Common Curricular Base, which proposes their integration into all schools since 2020. Besides being essential for the development of these skills in all individuals, those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) require even more emphasis on the development of these skills, as they may also exhibit deficits in this area. ADHD is defined as a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by levels of inattention, disorganization, and/or hyperactivity, along with social impairments. Socio-emotional skills are capacities that individuals develop to exhibit appropriate behaviors within their social groups. Given this, the general objective of this study was to understand the importance of working on Socio-emotional Skills for children with ADHD. The method employed was a literature review using websites and articles addressing the themes of socio-emotional skills and ADHD. It was concluded that the development of socio-emotional skills is fundamental in the school curriculum to contribute to better emotional health and personal and professional fulfillment, fostering more resilient and altruistic citizens. Socio-emotional skills are linked to academic performance and emotional well-being, proving essential in facing life's challenges. School intervention programs that develop socio-emotional skills are crucial for children with ADHD, aiding them in achieving academic and social success. Creating a welcoming and inclusive school environment for all students, including those with ADHD, is crucial, implementing adaptations and strategies to
TDAH , habilidades socioemocinais , ADHD , socio-emotional skills