Comparação de tempo de internação de cirurgias abertas e videolaparoscópica em oncoginecologia
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Kuroda, Cayo Katsuo Rodrigues
Shiroma, Tammy
Shiroma, Tammy
Fin, Fábio Roberto
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Introdução: O câncer consiste em um grupo de doen ç as heterog ê neas, cujo controle é um processo complexo que é composto por prevençã o, diagn ó stico precoce e triagem, tratamento, cuidados paliativos e cuidados de sobrevivência, sendo bem sucedido quando o sistema de saúde é eficaz em todos os domínios centrais e quando os investimentos são efetivamente priorizados. No Brasil, o paciente oncológico tem direito ao tratamento gratuito pelo Sistema Único de Saúde ( previsto pela lei de número 12.732, tendo procedimentos abertos, internação, exames e medicaçã o a sua disposição. Objetivos: Analisar os custos do período de internamento pós operatório intra hospitalar de cirurgias abertas e videolaparoscópicas na oncoginecologia. Metodologia: Estudo analítico observacional prospectivo realizado por meio de análise de prontuários de pacientes oncoginecológicas do Hospital São Vicente (com mais de 18 anos de idade e que assinarem o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (Foram avaliadas 46 pacientes operadas no período de um ano, conforme características antropométricas (raça), dados intraoperatórios (laparotomia ou videolaparoscopia, tempo de cirurgia, complicações,sangramentos) e dados intra hospitalares pós operatórios (tempo de internamento, prescrição de opioides). Os dados intraoperatórios e intra hospitalares foram relacionados para verificar diferenças entre os custos totais das modalidades cirúrgicas. Resultados: Verificou se que o procedimento videolaparoscópico apresenta um custo total 25% menor que o custo das laparotomias, isso decorre de fatores como menor uso de medicações, visto que a cirurgia por vídeo é menos dolorosa, mas, principalmente, por menor tempo internado. Conclusão: Os resultados demonstram relação entre o custo e tempo de internamento dos procedimentos. Assim, o procedimento videolaparoscópico deve ser incentivado, visto que há um menor custo hospitalar em comparaçã o à laparotomia. Além disso, a videolaparoscopia promove menor morbidade pós operatória.
Introduction: Cancer consists of a group of heterogeneous diseases, whose control is a complex process that is composed of prevention, early diagnosis and screening,treatment, palliative care and survivorship care, being successful when the health system is effective in all aspects. core domains and when investments are effectively prioritized. In Brazil, cancer patients have the right to free treatment through the National Health Service ( provided for by law number 12,732, with open procedures, hospitalization, exams and medication at their disposal. Objective To analyze the costs of the intra hospital postoperative period of hospitalization for open and videolaparoscopic surgeries in oncogynecology. Methods: Prospective observational analytical study carried ou t through analysis of medical records of oncogynecological patients at S ão Vicente Hospital (SVH over 18 years of age and who signed the Informed Consent Form ICF 46 patients operated on over a period of one year were evaluated, according to anthropometric characteristics (ethnicity), intraoperative data (laparotomy or videolaparoscopy, surgery time, complications, bleeding) and postoperative intra hospital data (length of stay, prescription of opioids). Intraoperative and in hospital dat a were related to verify differences between the total costs of surgical modalities. Results It was found that the videolaparoscopic procedure has a total cost 25% lower than the cost of laparotomies, this is due to factors such as less use of medications since video surgery is less painful, but mainly due to shorter hospital stays. Conclusion: The results demonstrate a relationship between the cost and length of stay for the procedures. Therefore, the videolaparoscopic procedure should be encouraged, as there is a lower hospital cost compared to laparotomy. Furthermore, videolaparoscopy promotes lower postoperative morbidity.
Introduction: Cancer consists of a group of heterogeneous diseases, whose control is a complex process that is composed of prevention, early diagnosis and screening,treatment, palliative care and survivorship care, being successful when the health system is effective in all aspects. core domains and when investments are effectively prioritized. In Brazil, cancer patients have the right to free treatment through the National Health Service ( provided for by law number 12,732, with open procedures, hospitalization, exams and medication at their disposal. Objective To analyze the costs of the intra hospital postoperative period of hospitalization for open and videolaparoscopic surgeries in oncogynecology. Methods: Prospective observational analytical study carried ou t through analysis of medical records of oncogynecological patients at S ão Vicente Hospital (SVH over 18 years of age and who signed the Informed Consent Form ICF 46 patients operated on over a period of one year were evaluated, according to anthropometric characteristics (ethnicity), intraoperative data (laparotomy or videolaparoscopy, surgery time, complications, bleeding) and postoperative intra hospital data (length of stay, prescription of opioids). Intraoperative and in hospital dat a were related to verify differences between the total costs of surgical modalities. Results It was found that the videolaparoscopic procedure has a total cost 25% lower than the cost of laparotomies, this is due to factors such as less use of medications since video surgery is less painful, but mainly due to shorter hospital stays. Conclusion: The results demonstrate a relationship between the cost and length of stay for the procedures. Therefore, the videolaparoscopic procedure should be encouraged, as there is a lower hospital cost compared to laparotomy. Furthermore, videolaparoscopy promotes lower postoperative morbidity.
câncer ginecológico , laparotomia , laparoscopia , sistema único de saúde , gynecological cancer , laparotomy , laparoscopy , unified health system