Entre ruas, cantinas e tamborins - Bixiga, um guia cultural
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Geia, Chiara Christina Santos
Paiero, Denise Cristine
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Esta pesquisa é a base para a produção do livro-reportagem intitulado “Entre Ruas, Cantinas e
Tamborins - Bixiga, um guia cultural”. O livro apresenta um roteiro turístico para viajantes
independentes do Brasil, um contexto histórico do bairro e um compilado de histórias e
memórias dos moradores. O livro-reportagem foi desenvolvido pela mescla da linguagem
literária e tradicional do jornalismo, expondo o panorama da região e se transformando em um
arquivo histórico para a cidade de São Paulo. Com o intuito de realizar o produto, foi
necessário um estudo bibliográfico sobre as origens do bairro do Bixiga, sobre o formato do
livro-reportagem junto da linguagem literária e sobre o jornalismo turístico no cenário
brasileiro. Os principais autores utilizados foram a pesquisadora Célia Toledo Lucena, o
pesquisador Márcio Castro, a socióloga Larissa Nascimento, a mestre em psicossociologia
Cecilia Bastos e o jornalista Edvaldo Pereira Lima. No relatório também estão descritos
detalhadamente o método de encontro e conversas com as fontes e o processo de escrita do
livro-reportagem. Verificou-se que o livro-reportagem cumpriu o objetivo de produzir um
guia turístico que mostrasse os pólos culturais e históricos do bairro do Bixiga.
This research is the basis for the production of the report book entitled “Between Streets, Cantinas and Tamborins - Bixiga, a cultural guide”. The book presents a tourist itinerary for independent travelers in Brazil, a historical context of the neighborhood and a compilation of stories and memories of residents. The report book was developed by mixing literary and traditional journalism language, exposing the entire panorama of the region and becoming a historical archive for the city of São Paulo. In order to produce the product, it was necessary to carry out a bibliographical study on the origins of the Bixiga neighborhood, on the format of the report book along with literary language and on tourist journalism in the Brazilian scenario. The main authors used were researcher Célia Toledo Lucena, researcher Márcio Castro, sociologist Larissa Nascimento, master in psychosociology Cecilia Bastos and journalist Edvaldo Pereira Lima. The report also describes in detail the method of meeting and conversations with the sources and the process of writing the report book. It was found that the report book fulfilled the objective of producing a tourist guide that showed the cultural and historical centers of the Bixiga neighborhood.
This research is the basis for the production of the report book entitled “Between Streets, Cantinas and Tamborins - Bixiga, a cultural guide”. The book presents a tourist itinerary for independent travelers in Brazil, a historical context of the neighborhood and a compilation of stories and memories of residents. The report book was developed by mixing literary and traditional journalism language, exposing the entire panorama of the region and becoming a historical archive for the city of São Paulo. In order to produce the product, it was necessary to carry out a bibliographical study on the origins of the Bixiga neighborhood, on the format of the report book along with literary language and on tourist journalism in the Brazilian scenario. The main authors used were researcher Célia Toledo Lucena, researcher Márcio Castro, sociologist Larissa Nascimento, master in psychosociology Cecilia Bastos and journalist Edvaldo Pereira Lima. The report also describes in detail the method of meeting and conversations with the sources and the process of writing the report book. It was found that the report book fulfilled the objective of producing a tourist guide that showed the cultural and historical centers of the Bixiga neighborhood.
Trabalho aprovado com o conceito EXCELENTE.
Bixiga , guia turístico , jornalismo literário , livro-reportagem , São Paulo