A importância do terceiro setor na vida da pessoa com deficiência visual
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Carvalho, Nilcéia Terezinha Parize de
Trigo, José Alves
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Cerca de dezoito milhões de pessoas no território brasileiro possuem algum tipo de deficiência, das quais cerca de 3% são Deficientes Visuais (DV). Cuidar da pessoa com deficiência visual, desde a infância até a fase adulta, tem sido insuficiente por parte do poder público, o chamado Primeiro Setor, especialmente pelas poucas políticas públicas e atividades que promovam redução da discriminação e da exclusão. Ao analisar artigos, cujas pesquisas revelam falta de inclusão do DV, o caminhar de suas famílias nas diferentes fases de sua vida e o trabalho realizado pelo Terceiro Setor, foram selecionados DVs de diferentes idades e realidades para serem entrevistados. Um Documentário Participativo foi, então, produzido registrando-se as informações mais relevantes de cada entrevista. As etapas vivenciadas pelos mesmos, expostas cuidadosamente na obra, revelaram lacunas existentes no Primeiro Setor no atendimento aos seus direitos constitucionais. Pode-se constatar que os entrevistados contaram com o auxílio pessoal e/ou familiar do Terceiro Setor, permitindo melhor desenvolvimento psicomotor e em suas relações interpessoais, maior inclusão nas atividades educacionais e culturais, bem como sua capacitação para o mercado de trabalho. A importância deste estudo, portanto, quer em sua expressão teórica ou prática, fica demonstrada por sua relevância em despertar reflexão e ação em prol da pessoa com deficiência visual.
Around eighteen million people in Brazil have some type of disability, of which around 3% are Visually Impaired (DV). Caring for people with visual impairments, from childhood to adulthood, has been insufficient on the part of the public authorities, the so-called First Sector, especially due to the few public policies and activities that promote the reduction of discrimination and exclusion. By collecting articles, whose research reveals a lack of inclusion of DV, the journey of their families in the different phases of their lives and the work carried out by the Third Sector, DVs of different ages and realities were selected to be interviewed. A Participatory Documentary was then produced recording the most relevant information from each interview. The stages experienced by them, carefully exposed in the work, revealed gaps in the First Sector in meeting their constitutional rights. It can be seen that the interviewees received personal and/or family assistance from the Third Sector, allowing for better psychomotor development and in their interpersonal relationships, greater inclusion in educational and cultural activities, as well as their training for the job market. The importance of this study, therefore, whether in its theoretical or practical expression, is demonstrated by its relevance in awakening reflection and action in favor of people with visual impairments.
Around eighteen million people in Brazil have some type of disability, of which around 3% are Visually Impaired (DV). Caring for people with visual impairments, from childhood to adulthood, has been insufficient on the part of the public authorities, the so-called First Sector, especially due to the few public policies and activities that promote the reduction of discrimination and exclusion. By collecting articles, whose research reveals a lack of inclusion of DV, the journey of their families in the different phases of their lives and the work carried out by the Third Sector, DVs of different ages and realities were selected to be interviewed. A Participatory Documentary was then produced recording the most relevant information from each interview. The stages experienced by them, carefully exposed in the work, revealed gaps in the First Sector in meeting their constitutional rights. It can be seen that the interviewees received personal and/or family assistance from the Third Sector, allowing for better psychomotor development and in their interpersonal relationships, greater inclusion in educational and cultural activities, as well as their training for the job market. The importance of this study, therefore, whether in its theoretical or practical expression, is demonstrated by its relevance in awakening reflection and action in favor of people with visual impairments.
Trabalho aprovado com o conceito EXCELENTE.
deficiente visual , terceiro setor , inclusão social , discriminação , pessoas cegas , jornalismo , documentário