Avalaição do perfil epidemiológico, clínico, citológico e anatomopatológico de pacientes portadoras de lesões precursoras e câncer de colode útero
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Vicelli, Camila Rodrigues
Gonçalves, Luísa Domingos Cancela
Gonçalves, Luísa Domingos Cancela
Fin, Fábio Roberto
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INTRODUÇÃO: O câncer de colo de útero é o terceiro tipo mais comum de câncer em mulheres no Brasil, excluindo o câncer de pele não melanoma, e tem um grande impacto na população feminina. O número de diagnósticos de câncer de colo de útero tem aumentado ao longo dos anos, quase duplicando na última década. No entanto, esse tipo de câncer pode ser prevenido ou diagnosticado precocemente com um eficaz exame de Papanicolau. OBJETIVO: Analisar o perfil epidemiológico, clínico, citológico e anatomopatológico das mulheres portadoras de lesões precursoras de alto grau do colo de útero, em um hospital em Curitiba. METODOLOGIA: Estudo epidemiológico do tipo transversal de análise de prontuários médicos de mulheres atendidas em um hospital em Curitiba, no período de março a julho de 2023. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 50 prontuários com média de idade de 43,5 anos, 70% das mulheres eram brancas, a média de paridade foi de 1,66 gestações. Todas realizaram biópsia no serviço e 43 realizaram o exame citológico. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo revelou uma associação entre paridade e lesões precursoras de colo uterino, além de uma maior prevalência de tabagismo em mulheres com alterações citológicas. Encontrou-se forte relação entre os achados citológicos com o resultado da biópsia, aumentando seu grau de confiabilidade.
INTRODUCTION: Cervical cancer is the third most common type of cancer in women in Brazil, excluding non-melanoma skin cancer, and it has a significant impact on the female population. The number of cervical cancer diagnoses has been increasing over the years, nearly doubling in the last decade. However, this type of cancer can be prevented or diagnosed early through an effective Pap smear examination. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the epidemiological, clinical, cytological, and anatomopathological profile of women with high-grade precursor lesions of the cervix in a hospital in Curitiba. METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional epidemiological study analyzing medical records of women treated at a hospital in Curitiba from March to July 2023. RESULTS: Fifty medical records were analyzed with an average age of 43.5 years. Seventy percent of the women were white, and the average parity was 1.66 pregnancies. All of them underwent biopsy, and 43 had cytological examinations. CONCLUSION: The study revealed an association between parity and cervical precursor lesions, as well as a higher prevalence of smoking among women with cytological abnormalities. A strong association was found between cytological findings and biopsy results, enhancing its reliability.
INTRODUCTION: Cervical cancer is the third most common type of cancer in women in Brazil, excluding non-melanoma skin cancer, and it has a significant impact on the female population. The number of cervical cancer diagnoses has been increasing over the years, nearly doubling in the last decade. However, this type of cancer can be prevented or diagnosed early through an effective Pap smear examination. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the epidemiological, clinical, cytological, and anatomopathological profile of women with high-grade precursor lesions of the cervix in a hospital in Curitiba. METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional epidemiological study analyzing medical records of women treated at a hospital in Curitiba from March to July 2023. RESULTS: Fifty medical records were analyzed with an average age of 43.5 years. Seventy percent of the women were white, and the average parity was 1.66 pregnancies. All of them underwent biopsy, and 43 had cytological examinations. CONCLUSION: The study revealed an association between parity and cervical precursor lesions, as well as a higher prevalence of smoking among women with cytological abnormalities. A strong association was found between cytological findings and biopsy results, enhancing its reliability.
câncer de colode útero , HPV , neoplasia intraepitelial cervical , epidemiologia , cervical cancer , epidemiology , HPV , cervical intraepithelial neoplasia