A invisibilidade da violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes Yanomami no Brasil
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Silva, Michele Correia Pussa da
Fuziger, Rodrigo José
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Este artigo se aprofunda na questão da invisibilidade da violência sexual que afeta
crianças e adolescentes pertencentes à comunidade Yanomami no Brasil. Para isso, faz uma
análise da história da interação cultural, com foco especial na opressão enfrentada por mulheres
de origem indígena e negra ao longo desse processo de miscigenação. Além disso, examina a
evolução da legislação brasileira relacionada à violência sexual infantil, destacando a carência
de medidas adequadas para a proteção das crianças Yanomami. A discussão se estende para
abordar o aumento da violência contra comunidades indígenas em geral, e os Yanomami em
particular, durante o governo de Jair Bolsonaro em 2022, e sua conexão com a prática de
garimpo ilegal. O artigo salienta a urgência de políticas públicas direcionadas especificamente
para a preservação dos direitos das crianças Yanomami, incluindo a implementação de
estratégias eficazes de combate à violência sexual.
This article delves into the issue of the invisibility of sexual violence affecting children and adolescents belonging to the Yanomami community in Brazil. To do so, it analyzes the history of cultural interaction, with a special focus on the oppression faced by indigenous and Black women during this process of miscegenation. Additionally, it examines the evolution of Brazilian legislation related to child sexual violence, highlighting the lack of adequate measures for the protection of Yanomami children. The discussion extends to address the increase in violence against indigenous communities in general, and the Yanomami in particular, during Jair Bolsonaro's government in 2022, and its connection to illegal mining practices. The article emphasizes the urgency of public policies specifically aimed at preserving the rights of Yanomami children, including the implementation of effective strategies to combat sexual violence.
This article delves into the issue of the invisibility of sexual violence affecting children and adolescents belonging to the Yanomami community in Brazil. To do so, it analyzes the history of cultural interaction, with a special focus on the oppression faced by indigenous and Black women during this process of miscegenation. Additionally, it examines the evolution of Brazilian legislation related to child sexual violence, highlighting the lack of adequate measures for the protection of Yanomami children. The discussion extends to address the increase in violence against indigenous communities in general, and the Yanomami in particular, during Jair Bolsonaro's government in 2022, and its connection to illegal mining practices. The article emphasizes the urgency of public policies specifically aimed at preserving the rights of Yanomami children, including the implementation of effective strategies to combat sexual violence.
violência sexual , Yanomami , invisibilidade , crianças indígenas , sexual violence , invisibility , indigenous children , brazilian legislation