A validade e a executidade dos contratos eletrônicos no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro
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Santos, Lucas de Mello Campos
Theophilo Neto, Nuncio
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Os contratos eletrônicos estão há décadas inseridos como meio para celebrações de negócios jurídicos no Brasil, ainda que até então pouco utilizada em comparação aos demais contratos tradicionais. No entanto, nos últimos anos, foi possível perceber o aumento exponencial da aceitação dos contratos eletrônicos, principalmente devido à pandemia da COVID-19 que em decorrência das medidas de isolamento social, os contratos eletrônicos se demonstraram ser um meio prático e célere para realização de negócios jurídicos. Diante da sua rápida adesão e até então desconhecimento por parte relevante dos usuários, se criaram dúvidas e receios diante desse procedimento, acerca da sua validade, autenticidade e executividade. Desse modo, este artigo possui como intuito, demonstrar sob à luz da doutrina, jurisprudência e do Ordenamento Jurídico brasileiro que os contratos eletrônicos além de serem um meio célere, econômico e prático para celebração de negócios jurídicos, também possuem validade e são dotados de força executiva, uma vez cumpridos os requisitos estabelecidos respectivamente no Código Civil de 2002 e Código de Processo Civil de 2015. No mais, este presente instrumento buscará contribuir na análise das leis anteriormente citadas, bem como da Lei 14.620/23 que trouxe alterações relevantes acerca da executividade dos contratos eletrônicos.
Electronic contracts have been used for decades as a means of concluding legal transactions in Brazil, although until now little used in comparison to other traditional agreements. However, in recent years, it has been possible to notice an exponential increase in the acceptance of electronic agreements, mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which as a result of social isolation measures, in which electronic agreements have proven to be a practical and quick means of carrying out legal transactions. Given its rapid adherence and until then lack of knowledge on the part of the relevant parties, doubts and fears were created about this procedure, in terms of validity, authenticity and enforceability. Therefore, this article aims to demonstrate, in the light of doctrine, jurisprudence and the Brazilian Legal System, that electronics agreements, in addition to being a quick, economical and practical means of concluding legal transactions, also have validity and are also endowed with enforcement force, once the requirements established respectively in the Civil Code of 2002 and the Civil Procedure Code of 2015 have been met. Furthermore, this present instrument will seek to contribute to the analysis of the previously mentioned laws, as well as Law 14,620/23, which brought relevant changes regarding of the enforceability of electronic agreements.
Electronic contracts have been used for decades as a means of concluding legal transactions in Brazil, although until now little used in comparison to other traditional agreements. However, in recent years, it has been possible to notice an exponential increase in the acceptance of electronic agreements, mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which as a result of social isolation measures, in which electronic agreements have proven to be a practical and quick means of carrying out legal transactions. Given its rapid adherence and until then lack of knowledge on the part of the relevant parties, doubts and fears were created about this procedure, in terms of validity, authenticity and enforceability. Therefore, this article aims to demonstrate, in the light of doctrine, jurisprudence and the Brazilian Legal System, that electronics agreements, in addition to being a quick, economical and practical means of concluding legal transactions, also have validity and are also endowed with enforcement force, once the requirements established respectively in the Civil Code of 2002 and the Civil Procedure Code of 2015 have been met. Furthermore, this present instrument will seek to contribute to the analysis of the previously mentioned laws, as well as Law 14,620/23, which brought relevant changes regarding of the enforceability of electronic agreements.
contratos eletrônicos , assinaturas eletrônicas , validade , execução , electronic agreements , electronic signatures , validity , enforceability