Impactos das tecnologias no teletrabalho no Brasil
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Perez, Eduardo Linguevis
Resende Junior, José de
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O presente escrito tem como objetivo abordar a regulamentação aplicável ao teletrabalho, juntamente com as alterações legais realizadas em resposta às transformações mencionadas, fornecendo uma análise das consequências enfrentadas pelos trabalhadores que aderiram a essa modalidade. Essa modalidade ganhou destaque no Brasil após a pandemia de Covid-19. Nesse modelo, os funcionários desempenham suas funções em locais diversos, sobretudo em suas residências, mantendo a comunicação com os empregadores. Durante a pandemia, o teletrabalho se disseminou. O Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA) concluiu que cerca de 20,5 milhões de trabalhadores no Brasil têm ocupações adequadas para o teletrabalho, representando 22,6% do total de trabalhadores do país. Essa tendência não é exclusiva do Brasil, com dados da Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) indicando que a porcentagem de trabalhadores em regime remoto na América Latina aumentou significativamente. Entretanto, a intensificação do teletrabalho trouxe impactos psicológicos para os trabalhadores, assim como riscos de supressão de direitos trabalhistas. Sua difusão levou à confusão entre as esferas pessoal, familiar e laboral, gerando consequências legais, psicológicas e sociais. Essa nova modalidade de trabalho também alterou a dinâmica corporativa, com empresas optando por reduzir escritórios físicos, resultando em economia de custos com infraestrutura e transporte. A redução da necessidade de deslocamento para o trabalho impactou a mobilidade urbana, com previsões de profundas mudanças nos fluxos de pessoas nas cidades. Portanto, é fundamental promover discussões sobre o tema para auxiliar legisladores na compreensão das implicações e causas desse fenômeno, orientando a elaboração de leis relacionadas ao teletrabalho.
Telecommuting gained prominence in Brazil after the COVID 19 pandemic. In this model, employees carry out their tasks in various locations, primarily in their homes, maintaining communication with employers through technological devices. The Institute of Applied Economi c Research (IPEA) concluded that approximately 20.5 million workers in Brazil have suitable occupations for telecommuting, representing 22.6% of the total workforce in the country. This trend is not exclusive to Brazil, with data from the International Lab or Organization (ILO) indicating a significant increase in the percentage of remote workers in Latin America. However, the intensification of telecommuting has brought with it psychological impacts on employees, as well as risks of labor rights suppression . The diffusion of telecommuting has led to a blurring of personal, familial, and work spheres, resulting in legal, psychological, and social consequences. This new mode of work has also changed corporate dynamics, with companies opting to reduce physical offices, resulting in cost savings on infrastructure and transportation. The reduced need for commuting to work has impacted urban mobility, with forecasts of profound changes in people's movements within cities. Therefore, it is essential to promote discu ssions on the subject to assist legislators in understanding the implications and causes of this phenomenon, guiding the development of laws related to telecommuting. This written piece aims to address the regulation applicable to telecommuting, along with legal changes made in response to the mentioned transformations, providing an analysis of the consequences faced by workers who have embraced this mode of work.
Telecommuting gained prominence in Brazil after the COVID 19 pandemic. In this model, employees carry out their tasks in various locations, primarily in their homes, maintaining communication with employers through technological devices. The Institute of Applied Economi c Research (IPEA) concluded that approximately 20.5 million workers in Brazil have suitable occupations for telecommuting, representing 22.6% of the total workforce in the country. This trend is not exclusive to Brazil, with data from the International Lab or Organization (ILO) indicating a significant increase in the percentage of remote workers in Latin America. However, the intensification of telecommuting has brought with it psychological impacts on employees, as well as risks of labor rights suppression . The diffusion of telecommuting has led to a blurring of personal, familial, and work spheres, resulting in legal, psychological, and social consequences. This new mode of work has also changed corporate dynamics, with companies opting to reduce physical offices, resulting in cost savings on infrastructure and transportation. The reduced need for commuting to work has impacted urban mobility, with forecasts of profound changes in people's movements within cities. Therefore, it is essential to promote discu ssions on the subject to assist legislators in understanding the implications and causes of this phenomenon, guiding the development of laws related to telecommuting. This written piece aims to address the regulation applicable to telecommuting, along with legal changes made in response to the mentioned transformations, providing an analysis of the consequences faced by workers who have embraced this mode of work.
teletrabalho , home office , transformação tecnológica , telecommuting , technological transformation