Os limites da proteção autoral na indústria audiovisual brasileira à luz da convenção de Berna e do fair use
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Pandolfi, Mariane de Azevedo Marques
Sgrignolli , Ruth Carolina Rodrigues
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Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a (in)suficiência dos limites à superproteção autoral conferida na Lei de Direitos Autorais brasileira (Lei n.° 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998, ou apenas “LDA”), em contrapartida ao desenvolvimento da indústria audiovisual, à luz das convenções, acordos e legislações internacionais. Através do método hipotético-dedutivo, este artigo científico será conduzido mediante o exame da LDA, dos entraves econômicos gerados pela atual redação da Lei e, através da literatura jurídica existente, doutrinas e analogias, da necessidade de equilíbrio entre os direitos autorais e o desenvolvimento nacional. Em seguida, o artigo abordará a Convenção de Berna, consolidada através do Acordo TRIPS, a aplicação da regra do three step test como garantia igualitária mundial e os limites aos direitos autorais em regimes internacionais de proteção. Ademais, através do sistema common law, far-se-á uma análise comparativa do instituto norte americano do fair use como paradigma de interpretação jurisprudencial brasileira, visando propor a utilização do instituto em prol da funcionalidade econômica nacional e do tratamento igualitário mundial conferido na Convenção de Berna.
This article aims to analyze the (in)sufficiency of the limits to copyright overprotection granted in the Brazilian Copyright Law (Law No. 9,610 of February 19, 1998, or just “LDA”), in contrast to the development of the audiovisual industry, analyzing international conventions, agreements and legislation. Using the hypothetical-deductive method, this scientific article will examine the LDA, the economic obstacles generated by the Law and, through existing legal literature, doctrines and analogies, the need for balance between copyright and development national. Next, the article will address the Berne Convention, consolidated through the TRIPS Agreement, the application of the three-step test rule as a guarantee of equality and the limits to copyright in international protection regimes. Furthermore, through the common law system, a comparative analysis will be made of the North American fair use institute as a paradigm of Brazilian jurisprudential interpretation, aiming to propose the use of the institute in favor of national economic functionality and global equal treatment granted in the Berne Convention.
This article aims to analyze the (in)sufficiency of the limits to copyright overprotection granted in the Brazilian Copyright Law (Law No. 9,610 of February 19, 1998, or just “LDA”), in contrast to the development of the audiovisual industry, analyzing international conventions, agreements and legislation. Using the hypothetical-deductive method, this scientific article will examine the LDA, the economic obstacles generated by the Law and, through existing legal literature, doctrines and analogies, the need for balance between copyright and development national. Next, the article will address the Berne Convention, consolidated through the TRIPS Agreement, the application of the three-step test rule as a guarantee of equality and the limits to copyright in international protection regimes. Furthermore, through the common law system, a comparative analysis will be made of the North American fair use institute as a paradigm of Brazilian jurisprudential interpretation, aiming to propose the use of the institute in favor of national economic functionality and global equal treatment granted in the Berne Convention.
limites aos direitos autorais , uso justo , lei n.°9610/98 , indústria audiovisual , limits to copyright , fair use , audiovisual industry , Berne convention