Regulação dos jogos de azar no Brasil
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Silla, Guilherme Monroy
Nohara, Irene Patrícia
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O presente trabalho visa explorar as complexas implicações do Direito Regulatório no que concerne a regulação dos jogos de azar no Brasil, a partir do ordenamento jurídico vigente e dos projetos de lei em trâmite no Senado Federal. Para tanto, o estudo realizado abordará desde o momento de proibição e criminalização dos jogos e apostas no Brasil, bem como os argumentos favoráveis e contrários para a sua liberação. Além disso, este trabalho visa apresentar, de modo geral, as lacunas legais existentes em virtude da falta de uma regulamentação eficaz e ampla sobre esta matéria, o que abre margem para a prática de crimes e lesão aos consumidores. Assim, entre os tópicos discutidos, será apresentado como o Direito Administrativo e o Direito Regulatório são de suma importância para elaborar normativos rígidos e coerentes neste setor, promovendo maior transparência e controle desse mercado crescente. Afinal, o presente trabalho surge justamente frente às crescentes discussões sobre esta matéria, mas principalmente motivado pelas repercussões das apostas esportivas – as quais ganharam maior espaço nesses últimos anos e envolveram diferentes casos de fraude e lavagem de dinheiro. Não somente, mas também por este mercado, ainda não regulado, gerar receitas bilionárias anuais no Brasil e ser alvo de destaque ao redor do mundo. Portanto, o objetivo desta obra é demonstrar que o avanço na regulação do setor deve considerar não apenas o seu potencial econômico, mas também mecanismos robustos de proteção social e de fiscalização, para mitigar os impactos negativos associados aos jogos e apostas.
This study aims to examine the complex implications of regulatory law regarding the legislation on gambling in Brazil, from the perspective of the current legal system and the proposed bills pending before the Federal Senate. To this end, the study will cover the prohibition and criminalization of gambling in Brazil, and the favourable and contrary arguments for its liberation. Furthermore, this work intends to provide a general overview of the existing legal gaps due to the lack of an effective and wide-ranging regulatory framework on this matter, which leaves room for the commission of crimes and consumer harm. Thus, among the topics discussed, we'll see how Administrative Law and Regulatory Law are of the utmost importance for drawing up strict and coherent regulations in this sector, promoting greater transparency and control of this growing market. After all, this study arises precisely because of the growing discussions on this subject, but mainly because of the repercussions of sports betting - which have gained greater popularity in recent years and have involved various cases of fraud and money laundering. Moreover, the fact that this market, which has yet to be regulated, currently generates billions in revenues and has been a worldwide focus of attention. Therefore, the purpose of this article will be to demonstrate that progress towards the regulation of the sector requires taking into account not only its economic potential, but also solid social protection and oversight mechanisms, in order to mitigate the negative impacts associated with gambling.
This study aims to examine the complex implications of regulatory law regarding the legislation on gambling in Brazil, from the perspective of the current legal system and the proposed bills pending before the Federal Senate. To this end, the study will cover the prohibition and criminalization of gambling in Brazil, and the favourable and contrary arguments for its liberation. Furthermore, this work intends to provide a general overview of the existing legal gaps due to the lack of an effective and wide-ranging regulatory framework on this matter, which leaves room for the commission of crimes and consumer harm. Thus, among the topics discussed, we'll see how Administrative Law and Regulatory Law are of the utmost importance for drawing up strict and coherent regulations in this sector, promoting greater transparency and control of this growing market. After all, this study arises precisely because of the growing discussions on this subject, but mainly because of the repercussions of sports betting - which have gained greater popularity in recent years and have involved various cases of fraud and money laundering. Moreover, the fact that this market, which has yet to be regulated, currently generates billions in revenues and has been a worldwide focus of attention. Therefore, the purpose of this article will be to demonstrate that progress towards the regulation of the sector requires taking into account not only its economic potential, but also solid social protection and oversight mechanisms, in order to mitigate the negative impacts associated with gambling.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao prêmio TCC
jogos e apostas , direito administrativo , direito regulatório , regulamentação , gambling and betting , administrative law , regulatory lae , regulation