Filhos do cárcere: o impacto da precariedade do cárcere na vida de filhos de mães presas
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Fontanari, Sabrina Zuffo Silva
Aranha, Rodrigo Domingues de Castro Camargo
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar e expor os impactos causados pela precariedade do cárcere brasileiro na vida de filhos de mães encarceradas. O estudo partirá da análise da precariedade do cárcere em si e quais são os principais problemas enfrentados pelos presos na atualidade. Na sequência, será analisado como a falta de estrutura das prisões brasileiras afeta em maior proporção as detentas mulheres e, principalmente, as que se encontram gestantes, lactantes, ou com filhos menores. Por fim, o presente artigo irá analisar em que medida a precariedade do sistema carcerário afeta não somente as mulheres presas, como também seus filhos, que acabam por cumprir pena por crimes cometidos por suas mães.
The present work aims to investigate and expose the impacts caused by the precariousness of Brazilian prisons on the lives of children of incarcerated mothers. The study will start by analyzing the precariousness of prison itself and the main problems faced by prisoners nowadays. Next, it will analyze how the lack of structure in Brazilian prisons affects women inmates, and especially those who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have minor children. Finally, this article will analyze how the precariousness of the prison system affects not only women prisoners, but also their children, who end up serving time for crimes committed by their mothers. Key
The present work aims to investigate and expose the impacts caused by the precariousness of Brazilian prisons on the lives of children of incarcerated mothers. The study will start by analyzing the precariousness of prison itself and the main problems faced by prisoners nowadays. Next, it will analyze how the lack of structure in Brazilian prisons affects women inmates, and especially those who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have minor children. Finally, this article will analyze how the precariousness of the prison system affects not only women prisoners, but also their children, who end up serving time for crimes committed by their mothers. Key
cárcere , precariedade , mulheres , mães , prison , precariousness , women , mothers