A subalternização da mão de obra negra decorrente do racismo no Brasil
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Borges, Ester Gatti Bispo
Bertolin, Patrícia Tuma Martins
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O artigo em questão busca analisar a subalternização da mão de obra da população
negra no Brasil decorrente, principalmente, do racismo estrutural e institucional. Essas formas
de racismo conservaram uma estrutura social totalmente desigual e preconceituosa, que
manteve a população branca em uma posição de destaque, enquanto a população não branca
permaneceu, forçadamente, nas margens da sociedade, enfrentando vários obstáculos. No
contexto pós abolição não houveram políticas voltadas à verdadeira integração da população
negra na dita democracia, fazendo com que esse grupo minorizado tivesse uma maior propensão
a ocupar lugares de servidão. Tratando-se das relações de trabalho, não foi diferente, assim
como os outros diversos campos de uma vida social, como educação, moradia, escolaridade etc,
o povo preto e pardo se viu sem oportunidade para ascender e ocupar lugares de liderança e
destaque, reservados na grande maioria das vezes às pessoas brancas. Esse fato derruba, então,
a difundida ideia de meritocracia, porque não existe meritocracia onde há desigualdade e,
pessoas negras são a minoria em cargos de destaque, não por serem incapazes, mas por não
terem todas as oportunidades e acesso que pessoas brancas possuem. Além disso, o acesso a
cursos como Direito, Medicina e Engenharia, por exemplo, ficaram restritos a integrantes das
classes mais altas, compostas majoritariamente por pessoas brancas, enquanto os trabalhos
precarizados foram destinados às pessoas pretas e pardas, justamente por serem desprezadas
pela classe alta e por ser disseminada uma cultura popular racista que acredita que quando se
trata de um esforço intelectual, pessoas negras ficam aquém de pessoas brancas. A relação entre
o racismo e a subalternização da mão de obra negra é direta e o mercado de trabalho, assim
como todos os âmbitos de nossas vidas, é contaminado por ideais racistas, que buscam sempre
manter a divisão social baseada na ascensão da população branca e na servidão da população
negra. Sendo assim, a presente pesquisa trará dados concretos que confirmarão que, apesar de
a igualdade social ser promovida pela Constituição Federal, a desigualdade em nosso país é
mais estruturada e abraçada ainda.
The article in question seeks to analyze the subordination of the black workforce in Brazil, mainly due to structural and institutional racism. These forms of racism have preserved a totally unequal and prejudiced social structure, which has kept the white population in a prominent position, while the non-white population has forcibly remained on the margins of society, facing various obstacles. In the post-abolition context, there were no policies aimed at truly integrating the black population into the so-called democracy, making this minority group more likely to occupy positions of servitude. When it came to labor relations, it was no different: just like the other various fields of social life, such as education, housing, schooling, etc., black and brown people found themselves without the opportunity to ascend and occupy positions of leadership and prominence, reserved in the vast majority of cases for white people. This fact overturns the widespread idea of meritocracy, because there is no meritocracy where there is inequality, and black people are the minority in prominent positions not because they are incapable, but because they don't have all the opportunities and access that white people have. In addition, access to courses such as law, medicine and engineering, for example, have been reserved for members of the upper classes, made up mostly of white people, with the most precarious jobs going to black and brown people, precisely because they are despised by the same upper class and because a racist popular culture is disseminated that believes that when it comes to intellectual effort, black people fall short of white people. The relationship between racism and the subordination of the black workforce is direct and the job market, like all areas of our lives, is contaminated by racist ideals that always seek to maintain the social division based on the ascension of the white population and the servitude of the black population. Therefore, this research will provide real data that will confirm that although social equality is promoted in our Federal Constitution, inequality in our country is even more structured and embraced.
The article in question seeks to analyze the subordination of the black workforce in Brazil, mainly due to structural and institutional racism. These forms of racism have preserved a totally unequal and prejudiced social structure, which has kept the white population in a prominent position, while the non-white population has forcibly remained on the margins of society, facing various obstacles. In the post-abolition context, there were no policies aimed at truly integrating the black population into the so-called democracy, making this minority group more likely to occupy positions of servitude. When it came to labor relations, it was no different: just like the other various fields of social life, such as education, housing, schooling, etc., black and brown people found themselves without the opportunity to ascend and occupy positions of leadership and prominence, reserved in the vast majority of cases for white people. This fact overturns the widespread idea of meritocracy, because there is no meritocracy where there is inequality, and black people are the minority in prominent positions not because they are incapable, but because they don't have all the opportunities and access that white people have. In addition, access to courses such as law, medicine and engineering, for example, have been reserved for members of the upper classes, made up mostly of white people, with the most precarious jobs going to black and brown people, precisely because they are despised by the same upper class and because a racist popular culture is disseminated that believes that when it comes to intellectual effort, black people fall short of white people. The relationship between racism and the subordination of the black workforce is direct and the job market, like all areas of our lives, is contaminated by racist ideals that always seek to maintain the social division based on the ascension of the white population and the servitude of the black population. Therefore, this research will provide real data that will confirm that although social equality is promoted in our Federal Constitution, inequality in our country is even more structured and embraced.
mão de obra , racismo , racismo estrutural , racismo instiitucional , labor , racism , structural racism , institutional racism