Responsabilidade civil do Chatgpt em situações de plágio: uma perspectiva jurídica no contexto brasileiro
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Lopes, Gabriella Zaine Fidélis
Ramos, Tais Mallmann
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Este artigo tem como intuito analisar se o ChatGPT responde civilmente na possível ocorrência de plágio. Para realizar esta análise, a pesquisa utilizou-se da metodologia qualitativa, com abordagem qualitativa, somados ao método comparativo, tendo como técnica de pesquisa (i) análise documental, (ii) análise legislativa; (iii) textos jornalísticos, já que, não se tem jurisprudência brasileira sobre a temática. De modo que, ao longo da pesquisa demonstrou que ChatGPT não responde civilmente em casos de ocorrência por plágio, dado que as obras do ChatGPT não são protegidas por direitos autorais.
This article aims to analyze whether ChatGPT responds civilly in the possible occurrence of plagiarism. To conduct this analysis, the research employed a qualitative methodology with a qualitative approach, combined with the comparative method. The research technique included (i) documentary analysis, (ii) legislative analysis, and (iii) journalistic texts, as there is no Brazilian jurisprudence on the subject. Throughout the study, it was demonstrated that ChatGPT does not respond civilly in cases of plagiarism, given that ChatGPT's works are not protected by copyright.
This article aims to analyze whether ChatGPT responds civilly in the possible occurrence of plagiarism. To conduct this analysis, the research employed a qualitative methodology with a qualitative approach, combined with the comparative method. The research technique included (i) documentary analysis, (ii) legislative analysis, and (iii) journalistic texts, as there is no Brazilian jurisprudence on the subject. Throughout the study, it was demonstrated that ChatGPT does not respond civilly in cases of plagiarism, given that ChatGPT's works are not protected by copyright.
inteligência artificial , responsabilidade civil , plágio , ChatGPT , artificial intelligence , civil liability , plagiarism