A análise da juridicidade da união poliafetiva à luz do direito brasileiro
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Luz, Rafael de Seixas
Guilherme, Luiz Fernando do Vale de Almeida
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A finalidade do presente artigo é trazer à luz o debate sobre as relações poliafetivas serem reconhecidas como entidades familiares. De modo a explicar o caminho trilhado pelos conceitos de casamento e família e como evoluíram até o presente momento. Além de demonstrar quais as legislações que impossibilitam que relacionamentos poliafetivos possam se casar ou ser reconhecidos como união estável. Ademais, ao final, será apresentado qual poderia ser o caminho que o legislador poderia adotar para sanar o atual vácuo legislativo que impede que essas uniões tenham validade jurídica e, portanto, possam gozar de direitos da esfera da família e sucessões.
The purpose of this article is to bring to light the debate about polyaffective relationships being recognized as family entities. To explain the path followed by the concepts of marriage and family and how they have evolved to this day. In addition to demonstrating which laws make it impossible for polyaffective relationships to marry or be recognized as a stable union. Furthermore, at the end, it will be presented what path the legislator could adopt to remedy the current legislative vacuum that prevents these unions from having legal validity and, therefore, being able to enjoy rights in the sphere of family and succession.
The purpose of this article is to bring to light the debate about polyaffective relationships being recognized as family entities. To explain the path followed by the concepts of marriage and family and how they have evolved to this day. In addition to demonstrating which laws make it impossible for polyaffective relationships to marry or be recognized as a stable union. Furthermore, at the end, it will be presented what path the legislator could adopt to remedy the current legislative vacuum that prevents these unions from having legal validity and, therefore, being able to enjoy rights in the sphere of family and succession.
poliafetividade , família , casamento , liberdade , polyaffectivity , family , marriage , freedom