Uma análise do marketing de emboscada em eventos esportivos
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Silva, Gustavo Navarro
Padin, Camila Ferrara
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O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso tem por objetivo destrinchar o conceito do
marketing de emboscada em eventos esportivos apresentando as circunstâncias jurídicas e
empresariais que envolvem o tema. Para tanto o trabalho divide-se em três seções. A primeira
delas tem como propósito a definição e esclarecimento do conceito do marketing de emboscada,
suas classificações e o papel dos patrocinadores em eventos esportivos. Na sequência, a segunda
seção adentrará no escopo das legislações vigentes no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro
aplicáveis à tipificação e identificação do marketing de emboscada, promovendo uma
compreensão aprofundada sobre sua ilicitude e as medidas para sua repressão. O terceiro
segmento se concentrará na apresentação de casos reais que ilustrarão as problemáticas
decorrentes do marketing de emboscada, e também analisará a jurisprudência no tocante às
agressões aos direitos de propriedade intelectual, além de abordar estratégias viáveis para
prevenir e mitigar suas consequências. Na conclusão, essas premissas serão sintetizadas,
visando estabelecer diretrizes para a supressão desta prática desonesta.
The purpouse of this End-of-Course Paper is to expose the concept of ambush marketing in sports events by presenting the legal and business circumstances surrounding the subject. The work is divided into three sections. The first section's purpose is to define and clarify the concept of ambush marketing, its classifications, and the role of sponsors in sports events. The second section will delve into the scope of the legislation in force in the Brazilian legal system that are applicable to the typification and identification of ambush marketing, promoting an indepth understanding of its illegality and the measures for its repression. The third segment will focus on presenting real cases that illustrate the issues arising from ambush marketing, and will also analyze jurisprudence regarding infringements on intellectual property rights, as well as addressing viable strategies for preventing and mitigating its consequences. In the conclusion, these premises will be synthesized, aiming to establish guidelines for the suppression of this dishonest practice.
The purpouse of this End-of-Course Paper is to expose the concept of ambush marketing in sports events by presenting the legal and business circumstances surrounding the subject. The work is divided into three sections. The first section's purpose is to define and clarify the concept of ambush marketing, its classifications, and the role of sponsors in sports events. The second section will delve into the scope of the legislation in force in the Brazilian legal system that are applicable to the typification and identification of ambush marketing, promoting an indepth understanding of its illegality and the measures for its repression. The third segment will focus on presenting real cases that illustrate the issues arising from ambush marketing, and will also analyze jurisprudence regarding infringements on intellectual property rights, as well as addressing viable strategies for preventing and mitigating its consequences. In the conclusion, these premises will be synthesized, aiming to establish guidelines for the suppression of this dishonest practice.
marketing de emboscada , eventos esportivos , patrocínio esportivo , propriedade intelectual , ambush marketing , sporting events , sports sponsorship , intellectual property