Autocuratela: uma análise doutrinária, legislativa e jurisprudencial do instituto
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Moderiano, Ivan Perez
Bortolai Junior, Orlando
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O instituto da curatela está previsto nos artigos 1.767 e seguintes da Lei 10.406 (Código Civil) e 747 a 758 da Lei 13.105 (Código de Processo Civil). Este instituto promove a interdição de indivíduos que não sejam capazes de exprimirem suas vontades, restringindo suas capacidades para a prática de atos da vida civil. O artigo pretende abordar o instituto da curatela, a partir das inovações feitas pela Lei 13.146 e as posteriores revogações feitas por meio da Lei 13.106. O artigo se aprofundará na possibilidade da autocuratela, que foi prevista no artigo 1.768 do Código Civil, posteriormente revogado. Será abordada a autocuratela, explorando suas diferentes modalidades e a relevância desse conceito. Para isso, será feita uma análise embasada em pesquisa doutrinária e jurisprudencial, a fim de determinar se a autocuratela ainda possui aplicação no atual ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Também serão examinadas as possíveis formas de instrumentalização desse instituto, investigando os Projetos de Lei que visam reintroduzir essa previsão.
The institute of guardianship is provided for in articles 1,767 et seq. of Law 10,406 (Civil Code) and 747 to 758 of Law 13,105 (Code of Civil Procedure). This institute promotes the interdiction of individuals who are not capable of expressing their will, restricting their ability to carry out acts of civil life. The article intends to address the institute of guardianship, based on the innovations made by Law 13,146 and the subsequent revocations made through Law 13,106. The article will delve deeper into the possibility of self-trust, which was provided for in article 1,768 of the Civil Code, later revoked. Self-curation will be addressed, exploring its different modalities and the relevance of this concept. To this end, an analysis will be carried out based on doctrinal and jurisprudential research, in order to determine whether self-trust still has application in the current Brazilian legal system. Possible forms of instrumentalization of this institute will also be examined, investigating the Bills that aim to reintroduce this provision.
The institute of guardianship is provided for in articles 1,767 et seq. of Law 10,406 (Civil Code) and 747 to 758 of Law 13,105 (Code of Civil Procedure). This institute promotes the interdiction of individuals who are not capable of expressing their will, restricting their ability to carry out acts of civil life. The article intends to address the institute of guardianship, based on the innovations made by Law 13,146 and the subsequent revocations made through Law 13,106. The article will delve deeper into the possibility of self-trust, which was provided for in article 1,768 of the Civil Code, later revoked. Self-curation will be addressed, exploring its different modalities and the relevance of this concept. To this end, an analysis will be carried out based on doctrinal and jurisprudential research, in order to determine whether self-trust still has application in the current Brazilian legal system. Possible forms of instrumentalization of this institute will also be examined, investigating the Bills that aim to reintroduce this provision.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao prêmio TCC
curatela , autocuratela , interdição , autodeterminação da pessoa com deficiência , teoria das incapacidades , estatuto da pessoa com deficiência , código civil , código de processo civil