Medidas de segurança e a luta antimanicomial no Brasil
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Merlin, Isabelle Zinek
Cury, Rogério Luis Adolfo
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A pesquisa "Medidas de Segurança e a Luta Antimanicomial no Brasil" baseia-se em dois pontos centrais: a importância da desinstitucionalização e inclusão social de pessoas com transtornos mentais, e a necessidade de compreender como as medidas de segurança aplicadas no âmbito penal afetam essapolítica de saúde mental.
A desinstitucionalização e inclusão social de pessoas com transtornos mentais é um dos principais objetivos da Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira, que foi iniciada na década de 1980 e teve como princípio fundamental a substituição do modelo asilar por uma rede de serviços comunitários de saúde mental. Essa política teve como base o respeito aos direitos humanos e a promoção da inclusão social de pessoas com transtornos mentais, buscando reduzir o estigma e a discriminação associados à loucura e garantir a essas pessoas o direito à cidadania.
No entanto, a aplicação de medidas de segurança no âmbito penal em casos de transtornos mentais pode comprometer a efetividade dessa política de saúde mental, pois pode levar à internação em hospitais de custódia e tratamento psiquiátrico (HCTPs), que são considerados como uma forma de asilo disfarçado. Esses hospitais são frequentemente precários e ineficientes em relação aos serviços de saúde mental comunitários, e muitas vezes violam os direitos humanos das pessoas com transtornos mentais.
Assim, a pesquisa "Medidas de Segurança e a Luta Antimanicomial no Brasil" é relevante por duas razões. Em primeiro lugar, ela contribui para a compreensão da relação entre as medidas de segurança e a luta antimanicomial, buscando analisar como a aplicação dessas medidas afeta a política de saúde mental baseada na desinstitucionalização e na promoção da inclusão social de pessoas com transtornos mentais. Em segundo lugar, a pesquisa busca propor sugestões e recomendações para uma política de saúde mental mais eficaz e justa, que leve em consideração a luta antimanicomial e os direitos humanos das pessoas com transtornos mentais.
The research "Security Measures and the Anti-Asylum Fight in Brazil" is based on two central points: the importance of deinstitutionalization and social inclusion of people with mental disorders, and the need to understand how security measures applied in the criminal sphere affect this policy of mental health. The deinstitutionalization and social inclusion of people with mental disorders is one of the main objectives of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, which began in the 1980s and had as its fundamental principle the replacement of the asylum model with a network of community mental health services. This policy was based on respect for human rights and the promotion of social inclusion of people with mental disorders, seeking to reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with madness and guarantee these people the right to citizenship. However, the application of security measures in the criminal sphere in cases of mental disorders may compromise the effectiveness of this mental health policy, as it may lead to hospitalization in psychiatric custody and treatment hospitals (HCTPs), which are considered a form of disguised asylum. These hospitals are often substandard and inefficient in relation to community mental health services, and often violate the human rights of people with mental disorders. Thus, the research "Security Measures and the Anti-Asylum Fight in Brazil" is relevant for two reasons. Firstly, it contributes to understanding the relationship between security measures and the anti-asylum struggle, seeking to analyze how the application of these measures affects mental health policy based on deinstitutionalization and the promotion of social inclusion of people with mental disorders. Secondly, the research seeks to propose suggestions and recommendations for a more effective and fair mental health policy, which takes into account the anti-asylum struggle and the human rights of people with mental disorders.
The research "Security Measures and the Anti-Asylum Fight in Brazil" is based on two central points: the importance of deinstitutionalization and social inclusion of people with mental disorders, and the need to understand how security measures applied in the criminal sphere affect this policy of mental health. The deinstitutionalization and social inclusion of people with mental disorders is one of the main objectives of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, which began in the 1980s and had as its fundamental principle the replacement of the asylum model with a network of community mental health services. This policy was based on respect for human rights and the promotion of social inclusion of people with mental disorders, seeking to reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with madness and guarantee these people the right to citizenship. However, the application of security measures in the criminal sphere in cases of mental disorders may compromise the effectiveness of this mental health policy, as it may lead to hospitalization in psychiatric custody and treatment hospitals (HCTPs), which are considered a form of disguised asylum. These hospitals are often substandard and inefficient in relation to community mental health services, and often violate the human rights of people with mental disorders. Thus, the research "Security Measures and the Anti-Asylum Fight in Brazil" is relevant for two reasons. Firstly, it contributes to understanding the relationship between security measures and the anti-asylum struggle, seeking to analyze how the application of these measures affects mental health policy based on deinstitutionalization and the promotion of social inclusion of people with mental disorders. Secondly, the research seeks to propose suggestions and recommendations for a more effective and fair mental health policy, which takes into account the anti-asylum struggle and the human rights of people with mental disorders.
direito penal , medida de segurança , lei antimanicomial , criminal law , security measure , anti-asylum law