ESG na aviação civil: busca pela sustentabilidade nas operações aéreas
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Mastrangelli, Izadora Figueirôa
Rosario, Ricardo Pedro Guazzelli
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Este trabalho investiga a aplicação dos princípios ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) na aviação civil, visando a busca pela sustentabilidade nas operações aéreas. A aviação é reconhecida como um setor desafiador em termos de sustentabilidade, devido às suas emissões de gases de efeito estufa e impactos ambientais significativos. O estudo tem como objetivo principal analisar como as empresas aéreas estão adotando uma abordagem ESG em suas operações para reduzir seu impacto ambiental, melhorar o engajamento social e fortalecer a governança corporativa. A pesquisa aborda os desafios ambientais enfrentados pela aviação civil, destacando a importância das regulamentações e metas ambientais estabelecidas por órgãos internacionais, como a ICAO. Além disso, explora as iniciativas implementadas pelas empresas aéreas para reduzir as emissões de carbono, como o uso de biocombustíveis, a eficiência de frota, o aprimoramento do gerenciamento de tráfego aéreo e a construção de motores mais econômicos ou que dependem de energia elétrica ou solar para o seu funcionamento. No âmbito social, são discutidos os impactos da aviação na saúde das comunidades locais e a importância da segurança operacional. Questões de governança também são exploradas, incluindo transparência, ética, diversidade e inclusão nas empresas aéreas. Por meio de estudos de caso e análise de melhores práticas, o trabalho apresenta exemplos de empresas aéreas que adotaram com sucesso práticas sustentáveis e obtiveram benefícios econômicos e ambientais. Além disso, são identificadas as principais oportunidades e desafios futuros na busca pela sustentabilidade na aviação civil, como o desenvolvimento de aeronaves elétricas e a utilização de energias renováveis nos aeroportos. Por fim, o estudo reforça a importância de uma abordagem ESG na aviação civil como um caminho viável para enfrentar os desafios ambientais, sociais e de governança, contribuindo para a construção de um setor aéreo mais sustentável e responsável.
This study investigates the application of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles in civil aviation, aiming to pursue sustainability in air operations. Aviation is recognized as a challenging sector in terms of sustainability due to its greenhouse gas emissions and significant environmental impacts. The main objective of this study is to analyze how airlines are adopting an ESG approach in their operations to reduce their environmental impact, enhance social engagement, and strengthen corporate governance.The research addresses the environmental challenges faced by civil aviation, highlighting the importance of regulations and environmental goals established by international bodies such as ICAO. Additionally, it explores the initiatives implemented by airlines to reduce carbon emissions, such as the use of biofuels, fleet efficiency, improvements in air traffic management and building more economical engines or those that rely on electricity or solar energy for their operation. On the social front, the study discusses the impacts of aviation on the health of local communities and the importance of operational safety. Governance issues are also explored, including transparency, ethics, diversity, and inclusion within airlines. Through case studies and analysis of best practices, this work presents examples of airlines that have successfully adopted sustainable practices and achieved economic and environmental benefits. Furthermore, it identifies key opportunities and future challenges in the pursuit of sustainability in civil aviation, such as the development of electric aircraft and the utilization of renewable energy at airports. Ultimately, the study reinforces the importance of an ESG approach in civil aviation as a viable path to address environmental, social, and governance challenges, contributing to the development of a more sustainable and responsible aviation sector.
This study investigates the application of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles in civil aviation, aiming to pursue sustainability in air operations. Aviation is recognized as a challenging sector in terms of sustainability due to its greenhouse gas emissions and significant environmental impacts. The main objective of this study is to analyze how airlines are adopting an ESG approach in their operations to reduce their environmental impact, enhance social engagement, and strengthen corporate governance.The research addresses the environmental challenges faced by civil aviation, highlighting the importance of regulations and environmental goals established by international bodies such as ICAO. Additionally, it explores the initiatives implemented by airlines to reduce carbon emissions, such as the use of biofuels, fleet efficiency, improvements in air traffic management and building more economical engines or those that rely on electricity or solar energy for their operation. On the social front, the study discusses the impacts of aviation on the health of local communities and the importance of operational safety. Governance issues are also explored, including transparency, ethics, diversity, and inclusion within airlines. Through case studies and analysis of best practices, this work presents examples of airlines that have successfully adopted sustainable practices and achieved economic and environmental benefits. Furthermore, it identifies key opportunities and future challenges in the pursuit of sustainability in civil aviation, such as the development of electric aircraft and the utilization of renewable energy at airports. Ultimately, the study reinforces the importance of an ESG approach in civil aviation as a viable path to address environmental, social, and governance challenges, contributing to the development of a more sustainable and responsible aviation sector.
ESG , aviação civil , sustentabilidade , operações aéreas , civil aviation , aircraft operations , environmental impact , social responsibility