O ensino de geometria por meio de metodologias ativas: Uma proposta de sequência didática
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Limachi, Denis Gabriel Blanco
Libório, Débora Bezerra Linhares
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O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso aborda acerca do ensino da Geometria no contexto educacional brasileiro. Destaca a falta de ênfase dada a estes conceitos e a busca crescente por abordagens inovadoras, principalmente por meio de metodologias ativas de ensino (Bossi; Schimiguel, 2020). A pesquisa se propõe a explorar como as metodologias ativas podem contribuir para tornar o ensino de Geometria mais atrativo e eficaz, com destaque na aplicação prática e no envolvimento dos alunos. Para tanto, o estudo está estruturado em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo abrange a evolução histórica do ensino de Geometria no Brasil, desde as influências antigas de Tales de Mileto e Platão até eventos mais recentes que moldaram a forma como a Geometria é abordada nas escolas do país. O segundo capítulo discute o uso de metodologias ativas na educação, como a Aprendizagem baseada em projetos; Gamificação e Aprendizagem em equipes, enfatizando a importância de envolver os alunos no processo de aprendizagem e o papel do educador como facilitador. Já o terceiro e último capítulo explora o uso da tecnologia no ensino da Geometria, com ênfase em abordagens inovadoras, tendo estas como uma ferramenta para ampliar a compreensão dos conceitos matemáticos. Além disso, este mesmo capítulo apresenta uma sequência didática focada no ensino de sólidos geométricos no contexto de cidades inteligentes, incorporando os princípios das metodologias ativas de forma prática e colaborativa.
This Course Completion Work addresses the teaching of Geometry in the brazilian educational context. It highlights the lack of emphasis given to these concepts and the growing search for innovative approaches, mainly through active teaching methodologies (Bossi; Schimiguel, 2020). The research aims to explore how active methodologies can contribute to making Geometry teaching more attractive and effective, with emphasis on practical application and student involvement. To this end, the study is structured into three chapters. The first chapter covers the historical evolution of Geometry teaching in Brazil, from the ancient influences of Thales of Miletus and Plato to more recent events that have shaped the way Geometry is approached in the country's schools. The second chapter discusses the use of active methodologies in education, such as Project-Based Learning; Gamification and Learning in teams, emphasizing the importance of involving students in the learning process and the role of the educator as facilitator. The third and final chapter explores the use of technology in teaching Geometry, with an emphasis on innovative approaches, using these as a tool to expand the understanding of mathematical concepts. Furthermore, this same chapter presents a didactic sequence focused on teaching geometric solids in the context of smart cities, incorporating the principles of active methodologies in a practical and collaborative way.
This Course Completion Work addresses the teaching of Geometry in the brazilian educational context. It highlights the lack of emphasis given to these concepts and the growing search for innovative approaches, mainly through active teaching methodologies (Bossi; Schimiguel, 2020). The research aims to explore how active methodologies can contribute to making Geometry teaching more attractive and effective, with emphasis on practical application and student involvement. To this end, the study is structured into three chapters. The first chapter covers the historical evolution of Geometry teaching in Brazil, from the ancient influences of Thales of Miletus and Plato to more recent events that have shaped the way Geometry is approached in the country's schools. The second chapter discusses the use of active methodologies in education, such as Project-Based Learning; Gamification and Learning in teams, emphasizing the importance of involving students in the learning process and the role of the educator as facilitator. The third and final chapter explores the use of technology in teaching Geometry, with an emphasis on innovative approaches, using these as a tool to expand the understanding of mathematical concepts. Furthermore, this same chapter presents a didactic sequence focused on teaching geometric solids in the context of smart cities, incorporating the principles of active methodologies in a practical and collaborative way.
Indicado para publicação;
ensino de geometria , metodologias ativas. , tecnologia na educação , geometry teaching. , active methodologies , technology in education